recent study on the effects of television on children is not about violence,
but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. 最近一项关于电视节目对儿童影响的调查报告称,这种影响不是暴力,而是电视节目带给孩子们的错觉。 Communication
is the tool that makes societies possible. The particular qualities of human
communication are what chiefly distinguishes human from other societies. 传播是社会得以形成的工具。人类有别于其他动物社会的主要之处在于人类传播的特性。 The
newspaper is the most novel product of the printing press. As it begins to
develop its role of providing news and entertainment, it becomes the primary
catalyst of the printings press for influencing social and political changes. 报纸是印刷机制造的最新奇的产品。随着报纸开始开发提供新闻和娱乐的功能,它就成了印刷机影响社会和政治变革的主要催化剂。 A
newspaper is not merely printed. It is circulated and read. The struggle for
existence, in the case of a newspaper, has been a struggle for ciuculation. 一份报纸不是出版即了事。它还要发行和被阅读。就一份报纸而言,为生存而战一直以来就是争夺发行量。 Compact,
usually short sentences, each word selected and placed for maximum effect. 句子要紧凑,通常要用短句,精心选择并正确使用每一个词,使之产生最大的效果。 As
an analyst, the journalist will have to probe well below the surface of events
if he is to satify an audience increasingly concerned with information-in-depth. 新闻受众越来越关心深度信息;为了满足这种需求,作为分析家的记者必须深入挖掘新闻事件表面以下的信息。 Since
networked news can be interactive, on-demand, and customizable; since it can
incorporate new combinations of text, images, moving images, and sound; since
it can build new communities based on shared interests and concerns; since it
has the almost unliited space to offer levels of reportorial depth, texture,
and context that are impossible in any other medium – new media can transform
journalism. 由于网络新闻具有互动性,并能按照读者的需要点登或量身定做;由于网络新闻是一种融合了文字、图像、移动图像以及声音的全新组合;由于网络新闻能够帮助建立以共同利害关系为基础的群体;同时,也由于网络新闻能够以其他任何媒体无法想象的近乎无限的空间提供具有不同深度、不同结构和不同背景的报道,这种新型媒体势必会改变传统的新闻。 Times
are changing and so is news writing. The better writer of today answers only
the essential question in the first paragraph. 时代在变化,新闻写作也在变化;今天,好的记者在新闻第一段中回答最重要的问题。 Print
journalism and electronic journalism are more complementary than competitive,
but they are different. 印刷新闻带来和电子新闻事业之间与其说是彼此敌对的,还不如说是相辅相成的。 The
journalism of sight and sound is the only truly new form of journalism to come
along. It is a mass medium, a universal medium. It has serious built-in
limitations as well as advantages, compared with print. 用影像和声音传播的新闻是唯一真正有发展前途的新的新闻形式。它是一种大众传播媒介,一种普遍的传播媒介。与报刊相比,它存在着严重的固有的局限性,但同时也有有利之处。 |
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