Books wind into the heart. The poet’s verse slides in the current of our blood. 书潜移默化人们的内心,诗歌熏陶人们的气质品性。 Tragedies
can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life. 生活中既然有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。 The
main melody can evoke a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration
despite our disablility to understand the socre of Mozart’s pieces. 我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。 Satire
rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. 讽刺文学很少给人以原创的思想,但是它却将人们熟悉的事情以全新的形式展现出来。 Statue
and architechture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about
them. 巴罗克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大,格调阴暗。 American
folk art is, art of, by, and for ordinary. 美国民间艺术是由普通百姓所拥有、创造并享受的艺术。 Charles
Dickens was a consummate raconteur and arguably the greates English-speaking
storyteller after Shakespeare. 查尔斯·狄更斯是故事大王,也是颇有争议的继莎士比亚之后最伟大的英语作家。 Time
is fleeting, and art is long. 时光飞逝,艺术永恒。 The
most difficult structure to design is a simple monumental shaft. The
proportions must perfect to pleasing. 最难设计的建筑是一尊简单的纪念柱,比例必须完美无缺,赏心悦目。 My
creed as an artist is to love life and liberty and the world of people. 作为一名艺术家,我的人生信条是热爱生活、热爱自由、热爱世界人民。 Roy
Litchnstein continues to rule as the king of pop art into the 1990s. 直到20世纪90年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦依然是大众艺术的顶尖人物。 Inspiration
is needed in geometry just as much as poetry. 灵感对于几何学,如同灵感对于诗歌一样必不可少。 The
Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th
century and was characterized by art with religious influence. 拜占庭艺术始于13世纪,一直延续到16世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。 Of
thoughts because I felt, and of feelings because I thought. 我有感觉才会思考,我思索是因为我有感觉。 The
arts in our universities are far from reality and living creation. 大学里的艺术远离真实,缺少生动与创造。 Kandinsky
produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality. 康定斯基创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。 |
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