a brochure of scenic spot 景区的观光手册 access
to wheelchairs in the tourist 景区设置的轮椅通道 a
cursory trip 走马观花之行 aerobic
capacity 供氧能力 a
hub of land traffic and logistics 陆路交通枢纽和物流中心 an
annual capacity of handling 5 million passengers 年旅客吞吐量为500万人次 apply
for a visa 申请签证 around-the-world
cruiser 环球游船 a
seaside resort 海滨度假胜地 a
theme park 主题公园 a
travel buff 旅游爱好者 audio
guide 电子讲解机 automatic
deposit box 自动寄存箱 a
vacation wonderland 度假的天堂 a
world geological park 世界地质公园 a
year-round tourist destination 全年开放的旅游胜地 budget
airlines 便宜的航空公司 cameras
are forbidden 禁止拍照 chartered
bus包车 chef’s
special 厨师特荐菜;招牌菜 clip/punch
the ticket 剪票 collecting
and distributing center for small commodities 小商品集散中心 contact
the visitor center for more information 咨询详细信息请联系游客服务中心 down
payment 预付订金 drawbridge
吊桥 earth-circling
flight 环球飞行 ecotourism
生态旅游 enjoy
a bird’s-eye view of the city 俯瞰城市全景 enjoy
service at a preferential price 享受优惠价格 ensemble
of ancient royal architecture 古代宫殿建筑群 excess
luggage 超重行李 feature
tour 特色旅游 Ferris
wheel 摩天轮 festooned
vehicle parade 花车巡游 get
in through the wicket 从检票口通过 International
Ecotourism Society 国际生态旅游协会 in
the scarcely settled grasslands 在人烟稀少的大草原 issue
a visa 签发签证 locker
service 寄存行李 marine
ecosystem 海洋生态系统 monsoon
climate 季风气候 natural
landscape (scenery) 自然风景 natural
spa 天然水疗中心 newly
introduced entertainment in the tourist site 最新引入景区的游乐项目 observation
deck 观光台 occupancy
rate 入住率 package
tour 团体游 pack-sack
旅行背包 pleasure
cruiser 游轮;游览航行 provide
free interpretation service 提供免费讲解服务 read
through safety instructions 细读安全须知 recreational
resort 休闲度假胜地 recreational
travel 休闲性旅游 rent
ski equipment 租用滑雪用具 ride
the roller coaster 坐过山车 room
reservation 客房预约 round-trip
ticket/one-way ticket 往返票/单程票 safari/wildlife
park 野生动物园 scenic
spots often visited by tourists 游客常去的景点 shore
excursion 上岸旅行观光 sightseeing
buses/cable car 游览车/缆车 sustainable
tourism 可持续观光 take
dragon as the mascot 把龙当作吉祥物 ticket
booth 售票厅 token
(coin)/token for games/a gift token 代用币/游戏币/礼品卷 tourism
economists 旅游经济师 tourism
logo 旅游标识语 tourism
receipts 旅游收入 tourist
coach (bus) 旅游车 tourist
service center/visitor center 游客服务中心 tourist
trap 旅行陷阱 trainee
guide/volunteer guide 实习导游/义务导游 upper,
middle or lower berth 上铺,中铺或下铺 vacant
berth 空着的卧铺(未卖出) valid
visa 有效签证 vehicle-free
promenade 步行街 visa-free
travel 免(申办)签证旅行 walk
on the plank path 在栈道上行走 watch
the rising sun 观日出 water-curtain
movie/four-dimension movie 水幕电影/四维电影 week-long
art festival 为期一周的艺术节 wilderness
tourism 荒野旅游 World Carnival 环球嘉年华 |
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