health risks are in transition as declining fertility rates and fewer deaths
from infectious diseases at young ages are reflected in population age patterns
with a predominance of older people. 全球健康危害正在演变之中。随着妇女生育率持续降低以及年幼者患传染病死亡人数减少,人口年龄结构出现变化,老年人口越来越多。 Low-and
middle-income countries now face increasing burdens of chronic,
non-communicable conditions in addition to infectious disease. 中低收入国家不仅面临传染病负担,还面临慢性非传染性疾病负担。 Road
traffic accidents, complications during pregnancy and child birth, suicide,
violence, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) are the major causes of mortality. 交通事故、怀孕及生育并发症、自杀、暴力、艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及结核病是死亡的主要原因。 Most
causes of death of young people are preventable and treatable. 导致青年人死亡的大多数病因都是可以预防的,也是可以治疗的。 Some
27% fever children died before before their fifth birthday. 5岁以下儿童的死亡率下降了27%。 The
number of people with access to safe drinking water rose. 获得安全饮用水源的人数提高了。 Population
growth, incursion into previously uninhabited areas, rapid urbanization,
intensive farming practices, environmental degradation, and the misuse of
antimicrobials have disrupted the equilibrium of the microbial world. 人口增长、侵入以前无人居住的地区、快速的城市化、集约化耕种、环境恶化和滥用抗生素破坏了微生物世界的平衡。 We
should promote access to clean water and sanitation for all people, especially
in poor communities and rural areas. 我们应促进所有人,尤其在贫穷社区和农村地区的人获得清洁用水和卫生条件。 Mainstay
antimicrobials are failing at a rate that outpaces the development of
replacement drugs. 主要抗生素失效的速度比替代药物的研制速度更快。 There
are some 4,000 known chemicals in tobacco smoke; more than 50 of them are known
to cause cancer in humans. 在烟草烟雾中约有4000种已知化学物品;其中有50多种已知可使人患癌。 Tobacco
smoke in enclosed spaces is breathed in by everyone, exposing smokers and
non-smokers alike to its harmful effects. 在封闭场所,烟草烟雾被所有人吸入,吸烟者和被动吸烟者都深受其害。 WHO
estimates that around 700 milliion children, or almost half of the world’s
children, breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke. 据世界卫生组织估计,约有7亿儿童(近世界儿童的一半)呼吸着被烟草烟雾污染的空气。 Having
a smoke-free environment often saves money for bars and restaurant owners,,
reducing their risks of fire and consequently their insurance costs. 无烟环境通常为酒吧和餐馆业主节约资金,减少火灾风险,因此降低其保险费。 Pheumonia
kills an estimated 1.8 million children every year – more than AIDS, malaria
and measles combined. 据估计,肺炎每年造成180万儿童死亡,比死于艾滋病、疟疾和麻疹的儿童总数还要多。 A
child’s immune system may be weakened by malnutrition or undernourishment,
especially in infants who are not exclusively breastfed. 营养不良或营养不足可使儿童免疫系统下降,尤其是在非完全母乳的婴儿中。 Adequate
nutrition is the key to improving children’s natural defenses. 充足的营养是改善儿童天然防御功能的关键。 The
gaps in health outcomes, seen within and between countries, are greater now
than at any time in recent history. 目前,国与国之间以及一国内部的健康差距差距比近年来任何时候更严重。 The
difference in life expectancy between the richest and poorest countries now
exceeds 40 years. 最富国与最穷国国民的预期寿命现已超过40岁。 Globally,
annual government expenditure on health varies from as little as US $20 per person
to well over US $6,000. 在全球范围内,政府年均卫生支出少则人均20美元,而多则6000多美元。 Medicine
has never before possessed such a sophisticated arsenal of tools and
interventions for curing disease and prolonging life. 现代医学拥有大量精密工具和干预手段,以医治疾病和延长寿命。 Each
year, nearly 10 million young children and pregnant women have their lives cut
short by largely preventable causes. 每年有近1000万幼儿和孕妇死于大多可预防的疾病。 Many
believed that economic growth would cure poverty and improve health. 许多人认为,经济增长就能摆脱贫困和改善健康。 A
world that is greatly out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor
secure. 卫生事业严重失衡的世界既不稳定,又不安全。 Equitable
access to health care, and greater equity in health outcomes are fundamental to
a well-functioning economy. 公平享有卫生保健和促进更公平的健康状况是经济顺利运转的基础。 Equitable
health outcomes should be the principal measure ofo how we, as a civilized
society, are making progress. 公平的健康状况应是衡量文明社会是否取得进步的主要检验标准。 Processed
foods, high in fats and sugar and low in essential nutrient, contribute to
obesity and to diet-related chronic diseases, and they starve young children of
essential nutrients. 高脂肪、高糖分、基本营养素含量较低的加工食品引起肥胖症和饮食相关的慢性病,并导致年幼儿童缺乏基本营养素。 The
public health system in many countries is already vastly overstretched and
under-funded. 许多国家的公共卫生系统已严重超负荷,并面临资金短缺问题。 In
many low-income countries, more than 60% of health spending comes in the form
of direct out-of-pocket payments. 在许多低收入国家中,60%以上的卫生保健费用是患者直接自付的。 Economic
downturn increases the risk that people will neglect health care, with
prevention falling by the wayside. 人口日益老龄化和慢性病上升已成为全球趋势。 Demographic
ageing and a rise in chronic diseases are global trends. 艾滋病、结核病和疟疾等疾病的治疗药物供应受到干扰,致使大量患者不必要死亡。 Interruptions
in the supply of drugs, such as AIDS, TB, and malaria, contribute to
preventable deaths in high numbers. 我们必须禁止烟草行业的一切赞助与推销。 We
must ban all sponsorship and promotion of the tobacco industry. 我们应为无烟环境设定新的标准。 We
should set a new standard for tobacco-free environments. 我们应为无烟环境设定新的标准。 We
must make all indoor workplaces and indoor public places smoke-free. 在所有室内工作场所和室内公共场所禁止吸烟。 We
should prevent violations and discrimination against people with mental
disorders. 我们应预防侵犯和歧视精神障碍患者。 |
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