防卫过当unjustifiable self-defense 防卫挑拨instigation of defense; provocation of defense 防卫限度limit of defense 防止类似事件重演prevent the recurrence of similar incidents 防止性禁制令prohibitory injunction 妨碍pervert 妨碍公务罪crime of disrupting public service 妨碍司法公正interfere with the cause of justice; obstruction of justice 妨碍公共安全罪crime of impairing public security 妨害公务罪crime of interference with public administration; crime of interference with state functions 妨害社会管理秩序罪crime of disrupting the order of social administration 妨害他人婚姻家庭罪crime of disrupting marriage and the family 房款凭证evidence of purchasing money for real estate 房屋的产权property right in real estate 房屋估价报告home appraisal report 房屋继承successor in title, transferee in real estate, transferee mottoes 放弃relinquish; waive 放弃权利withdraw a claim; waive a right 放行条release pass 非法unlawful; illegal 非法查封unlawful foreclosure 非法查封财产unlawfully seal up property 非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药罪crime of illegally holding or hiding a firearm or ammunition 非法持有毒品罪crime of illegally holding drugs 非法出售增值税专用发票罪crime of illegally selling invoice for exclusive use of VAT 非法逮捕拘禁或搜身unlawful arrest, detention, and search 非法告发wrongful prosecution 非法检举wrongful prosecution 非法干涉illegal intervention 非法干预illegal interference 非法购买illegally purchasing 非法活动unlawful activities 非法拘禁罪crime of unlawful detention 非法利益unlawful interests 非法手段illegal means 非法套汇illegal purchase of foreign exchange 非法同居关系cohabiting unlawfully 非法转让unlawful assignment 非婚生子女illegitimate child 非强制性行政行为non-coercive form of administrative action 非营利的non-profitmaking 非约束性条款permissive provision |
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