非政府机关non-governmental organization 非主要条件non-essential stipulation 非专业人士lay persons 诽谤defame 诽谤罪crime of defamation 废除repeal 分割partition 分工负责,互相配合,互相制约divide responsibility for their own work, coordinate their efforts and check each other 分居live separate and apart 分离/遣散severance 分权共有人co-owner 分权学说doctrine of separation of powers 分摊apportion 分租sub-lease 风险投资venture capital 封建宗法思想feudal legal thought 否决权veto power 否认deny 否认事实denial of facts 夫妻感情goodwill as between spouses 夫妻共同所有财产joint property of the spouses 夫妻关系spousal relationship 夫妻间有互相扶养的义务mutual obligation between spouses for maintenance of one another 夫妻身份spousal relationship 夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间while a spousal relationship subsists 扶养的义务mutual maintenance support obligation 抚养费maintenance 服从法律amenable to law; subject to the law 服从判决accept a judgment 符号sign 符合议事程序be in order 符合宪法constitutionality 福利社会welfare society 抚养foster 抚养费cost of maintenance 抚养关系的继父子foster father and son relationship 父母权parental right 复购/回购re-purchase 付清余款pay the residual balance 负共同连带责任liable jointly and severally 负全部责任bear all responsibilities; in all charge 负有解释的义务accountable |
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