民法通则General Principles of the Civil Law 民法学science of civil law 民事案件中“占有优势证据”的原则 “by a preponderance of evidence” in civil cases 民政部门the civil affairs department 拿破仑法典The Code of Napoleon 农村承包经营户leaseholding farm households 虐待罪crime of abusing member of one’s family 挪用公款案case of misappropriation of public funds 欧洲大陆法Continental Law 偶犯casual offender; casual offense 判决裁定judgments and written orders 配偶spouse 批复reply 平等主体civil subjects with equal status 普通法common law 期间time periods 企业法人被撤销the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person 企业法人分立、合并the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person 企业法人解散disbanding of an enterprise as legal person 起诉状a statement of complaint 契约自由liberty of contract 强制措施compulsory measures 侵权责任tortious liability 情节加重犯aggravated offense by circumstances 情节特别严重when the circumstances are particularly wicked 情节严重构成犯罪的when the circumstances are so serious as to constitute a crime 取保候审post a bail and wait trial with restricted liberty of moving 取得不当得利profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis 取得法人资格be qualified as a legal person 取证obtain evidence 全民所有制企业an enterprise owned by the whole people 权威解释authentic interpretation 缺乏后劲unsustainable momentum 让与alienate; cede 让与利益benefit of cession 扰乱公共场所秩序罪crime of disturbing order at public places 绕规模贷款circumvent credit ceiling 人身不可侵犯inviolability of the person 认缴资本subscribed capital 软贷款soft loans 软预算约束soft budget constraint 三角债chain debts 三权分立separation of powers |
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