1、改革是中国最大的红利。 Reform will yield the greatest dividend
for China.
will yield the greatest dividend for China. This is because the socialist
market economy in China is still being improved, and reform will further
unleash the enormous potential of productivity, and much can be done to bring
the reform dividend to the entire people. Reform cannot succeed without real
action. Getting things done is more important than just yelling. China’s reform
has entered deep water zone where tough challenges must be met. This is because
reforms will shake up vested interests of various groups. Taking away some of
their vested interests is more difficult than changing their way of thinking.
However, we must wade through the uncharted waters no matter how deep they are.
We have no choice. What is at stake is the country’s destiny and the nation’s
future. We need to have courage, vision and resilience. Fortunately, we can
draw such strengths from the Chinese people and make solid progress in our
reform endeavor.
2、打造中国经济的升级版 Upgrade China’s economy.
must keep to the underlying principles of making progress while maintaining
stability, effectively conduct macro-control, ensure both stable growth,
inflation control and risk management and maintain smooth economic performance.
At the same time, we need to address both immediate and long-term needs,
promote structural transformation and development with courage and vision and
launch an upgraded version of the Chinese economy. It will play a dual role of
ensuring stable growth and sustaining development momentum. This is the only
way to realize modernization. Without taking such initiative to upgrade China’s
economy, it will be difficult to maintain stable and sustainable development.
To upgrade China’s economy, we should, first and foremost, boost domestic
demand and nurture and expand the domestic market in the process of opening the
country further to the outside world. This will lay an important foundation for
ensuring sustainable development in a volatile environment. In the course of
transforming and upgrading the economy, we should enhance its quality and
performance by maintaining stable growth. Facing pressure that arises from
fierce competition, excess production capacity and rising cost of factors of
production, we must support enterprises in accelerating structural adjustment
and improvement, make R&D contribute more to economic growth, move industries
up the value chain and deliver a better performance.
3、简政放权,转变政府职能。 Streamline administration,
delegate more powers and transform government functions.
should properly handle the relationship between the government and the market
and between the government and the society. The government should delegate
those powers that should be delegated and manage in an effective way affairs
that fall within its responsibility. It should spark the creativity of market
entities and boost the internal driving force for economic development. The
government should shift its focus to creating a sound environment for
development, providing quality public services and upholding social equity and
justice. More power should be given to the market and restrictions on
businesses should be lifted. More power of the government should be cut to
invigorate market vitality. The government should not overreach itself, as this
will prevent it from managing well affairs for which it is responsible.
Overreaching itself will weaken its own role and cause it to fail to perform
its responsibility despite it having done the work of the market. This round of
reform started with delegating powers in terms of reducing approvals on
investment, production, business operation and qualification, in terms of
cutting administrative charges and in terms of reform of business registration
system and management of social organizations. This means that power will be
delegated in a gradual yet most substantial way to lower levels of government,
to the market and to the society. This will motivate the people. In particular,
given the current intricate and challenging economic development, it will
effectively unleash the potential of private investment and the vitality and
creativity of the whole society, release the dividend of our system, and promote
sustained and sound economic growth. This is also an effective way to combat
corruption and foster integrity.
4、创新宏观调控模式,明确经济运行合理区间。 Improve ways of conducting
macro-control and set a proper range for economic performance.
achieve long-term, sustained and sound economic development, we need to follow
the guiding principle of setting a proper range of economic performance and
putting in place a policy framework of conducting macro-economic control. The
proper range of economic performance has a floor and a ceiling: The floor is to
ensure stable growth and employment; and the ceiling is to cap inflation. Within
this proper range, we should focus on transforming the growth model, carrying
out reform in crucial areas and adjusting economic structure. When the economy moves
towards the floor or ceiling, we need to react in a way that will ensure both
stable current growth and long-term economic performance. We need to persist in
reform and pursue structural adjustment by adopting comprehensive and
well-targeted measures, so as to avoid major fluctuations in the economy and
maintain stable, sustained and sound economic development. In addition to
maintaining the proper range of economic performance, we also need a
well-defined policy framework for conducting macro-economic control, which
includes policies concerning total economic output, measures for carrying out
structural adjustment and steps of carrying out reform. Such a policy framework
should function in coordination with the proper range of economic performance,
and it should be a stable and predictable one.
5、利当前、惠长远,各项政策都要把稳当前和增后劲结合起来。 We should address both current
and long-term needs and ensure that all policies will contribute to both
maintaining current stable economic performance and sustaining long-term
running the economy, we need to bear in mind both current and long-term
development needs and ensure both current stable economic performance and
long-term growth. To sustain long-term growth, we must accelerate the
transformation and upgrading of China’s economy. Every step we take should be
based on macro and long-term considerations to ensure that such step will address
both current needs and, more importantly, our long-term interests. We need to
deepen reform and put in place systems that will prove effective in the long
run, be consistent with the goal of market-oriented reform and ensure
sustainable growth. No matter what changes will take place in the world, we
will focus on our goal, which is to take steps that serve both China’s current and
long-term interests and will ensure sustained and healthy development of China
in the next 10 to 20 years and beyond. In our work, we must give full play to
the role of mechanisms rather than take a piecemeal approach without having the
full picture in mind. To repeat, what we do should meet both current and
long-term development needs.
6、扩大全方位主动开放。 Open China wider to the outside
world in all areas.
will continue to use foreign investment actively and effectively, open up more
service sectors to foreign capital, and level the playing field for domestic
and foreign enterprises to compete on fair terms so as to ensure that China
remains a top destination for foreign investment. We will ensure the successful
building and management of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone so that
this model can be copied and extended, and we will launch a number of new
trials in this area. We will open China’s inland and border areas wider to the
outside world and turn these broad areas into hotspots for opening up. |
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