First Prize Winner:
Second Prize Winner:
袁圣锋 黎锦荣
First Prize Winner: 万品刚
Second Prize Winner:
黎锦荣 李梦琳 获奖译文及参考译文
比赛原文:The skin on her face was as thin and drawn as tight
as the skin of onion and her eyes were gray and sharp like the points of two
picks. 获奖译文:她脸上的皮肤薄而憔悴,紧绷如洋葱皮一般,而她的眼睛灰而锋利,好似两把镐的尖头。(高昕
译) 参考译文:她脸上的皮肤浅薄中透着憔悴,如洋葱皮一样紧绷着,一双灰色的眼睛非常锐利,如同两个镐头(或锄尖)。(韩子满
比赛原文:同车的人告诉他:“黑龙江人常说,这里的土地,插根筷子都会发芽。” 获奖译文:Some
people on the same bus
told him, “The soil here, as people from Heilongjiang province say, is so
fertile that even chopsticks inserted in it may sprout.”(万品刚
译) 参考译文:A
fellow traveler told him: “As the natives of Heilongjiang often say, the land
here is so fertile that even a chopstick planted in it would sprout.”(韩子满
译) |
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