First Prize Winner:
Second Prize Winner:
周建军 唐施 王芳敏
First Prize Winner: 李显 何笑荣
Second Prize Winner:
崔秀忠 桑秋波 周建军 获奖译文及参考译文
比赛原文:His words were green and red, but of a light shade
showing me he believed them. 获奖译文:他的话相互矛盾犹如红绿两色,但又不是那么明显,让我觉得他相信自己的话。(孙羽
译) 参考译文:他的话又红又绿,但又不那么明显,让我觉得他相信自己的话。(韩子满 译) 他话语生涩,带着愠怒,但又不太明显,让我觉得他是相信他们的。(王芳敏 译)
比赛原文:如今看到这一池的莲叶,就像看到了一池的清凉。 获奖译文:Now,
seeing this pond of lotus leaves is as if seeing a pond of refreshing coolness. (李显 译) 参考译文:Now
as I see this pond of lotus leaves, I feel as if I am looking at a pond of
refreshing coolness. (韩子满 译) |
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