First Prize Winner:
Second Prize Winner:
崔秀忠 刘超凡
First Prize Winner: 孙晓丹
Second Prize Winner:
杨正军 获奖译文及参考译文
比赛原文:What a noble illustration of the tender laws of her favored country! – They let the workers go to sleep! 获奖译文:他们竟然让工人们去睡觉!——这是一个多么高尚的例证啊!说明她那钟爱的国家的法律是多么仁慈啊!(张琪 译) 参考译文1:他们让工人们睡觉!——这说明在她钟爱的这个国家,高尚的法律是多么的仁慈啊!(韩子满 译) 参考译文2:这充分说明,在她钟爱的这个国家,法律是多么的仁慈啊——法律还允许工人们睡觉!(韩子满
比赛原文:流氓欺乡下佬,洋人打中国人,教育厅长冲小学生,都是善于克敌的豪杰。 获奖译文:Bullies bully the country men; foreigners tyrannize the Chinese; the director of the Education Department ordered cars to dart toward the marching pupil groups; yes, they are all heroes in fighting the enemy.(孙晓丹 译)
参考译文:Villains bullying country folks, foreigners beating
Chinese, and the Education Director ordering soldiers to drive trucks and rush
into marching students are all heroes good at vanquishing their enemies!(韩子满
译) |
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