送范殿监赴黄岗 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 终日怀归翻送客, 春风祖席南城陌。 便莫惜离觞频卷白。 动管色,催行色; 动管色,催行色。 何处投鞍风雨夕? 临水驿,空山驿; 临水驿,空山驿。 纵明月相思千里隔。 梦咫尺,勤书尺; 梦咫尺,勤书尺。 Lovesick Song of the Lute Parting with a Friend He Zhu Homesick all the day long, I see my friend going down; We bid adieu in vernal breeze south of the town. Let us drink our cups dry! The flute will blow and hasten you to go. The flute will blow and hasten you to go. Where will you take shelter on windy and rainy night, By waterside or mountainside? By waterside or mountainside? Though miles apart, we can see the same moonlight. In dreams we’re nigh. Write by and by! In dreams we’re nigh. Write by and by! |
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