当年万里觅封候,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 匹马戍梁州。 关河梦断何处? 尘暗旧貂裘。 胡未灭, 鬓先秋, 泪空流。 此生谁料, 心在天山, 身老沧洲! Tune: “Telling of Innermost Feelings” Lu You Years ago I travelled ten thousand miles in search of honour; Riding alone, I guarded the Liangzhou frontier. Where are my broken dreams of mountain passes and rivers? Dust has darkened my old stable coat. The Tartars have not been defeated, My hair has turned grey first. My tears flow in vain. Who would have thought that in this life My heart should be with the Tian Mountains And my body grow old by the seashore! |
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