家住苍烟落照间,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 丝豪尘事不相关。 斟残玉瀣行穿竹, 卷罢黄庭卧看山。 贪啸傲,任衰残, 不妨随处一开颜。 元知造物心肠别, 老却英雄似等闲! Partridges in the Sky Lu You In th’ greenish mist and soft sunset rests my home, Which from the dust of worldly affairs is free. Th’ nectar sipped, ’midst the bamboo groves I roam; Th’ Buddhist Scripture clos’d, I watch the mounts with glee. I love reciting poems; ’bout mishaps who’d care? Amuse myself here and there as well as I may. Creator has a varied heart, I’m aware, To which it’s nothing to let heroes decay. (卓振英 译) Partridge Sky Lu You Living between grey mist and setting sun, I’m freed from all worldly cares one by one. Drunk, I’ll pass through Groves of bamboo; Books read, I would lie still To contemplate the hill. Why proud and bold? Let me grow old And wear, wherever I go, a smiling face! Don’t you know the Creator has the grace To level heroes down to commonplace? (许渊冲 译) |
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