家住东吴近帝乡,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 平生豪举少年场。 十千沽酒青楼上, 百万呼卢锦瑟傍。 身易老, 恨难忘, 尊前赢得是凄凉。 君归为报京华旧, 一事无成两鬓霜。 Partridge Sky Farewell to Ye Mengde I live on eastern shore near the capital town; I passed my lavish life dressed in my youthful gown. Hundreds of coins were spent for wine in mansions green, And thousands in gamboling beside a lutist’s screen. It’s easy to grow old, But grief is not To be forgot. Before a cup of wine I feel so sad and cold. When you go back, what to our friends there could you say? I have achieved no end but my hair has turned grey. |
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