斜阳寂历柴门闭,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 一点炊烟时起。 鸡犬往来林外, 俱有萧然意。 衰翁老去疏荣利, 绝爱山城无事。 临去画楼频倚, 何日重来此? Peach Grove Revisited Lu You The lonely sun slants over the closed wicket gate; A wreath of chimney smoke rises late. Chickens and dogs out of the woods appear; All seem idle and drear. Old and weak, I don’t care about gain and renown, But love best the leisure at the hillside town. Before I leave, on painted rails again I lean. When can I revisit the scene? |
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