天涯旧恨, 独自凄凉人不问。 欲见回肠, 断尽金炉小篆香。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 黛蛾长敛, 任是春风吹不展。 困倚危楼, 过尽飞鸿字字愁。 Shortened Form of Magnolia Flower Qin Guan Gnawed by parting grief as of old, O who would care for me, lonely and cold? If you want to know my broken heart, Just see the incense from golden censer part! My eyebrows ever knit, No vernal breeze can smooth them, not a bit. Weary, I lean on tower high. What do I see but grievous wild geese passing by! |
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