西城杨柳弄春柔,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 动离忧, 泪难收。 犹记多情, 曾为系归舟。 碧野朱桥当日事, 人不见, 水空流。 韶华不为少年留, 恨悠悠, 几时休? 飞絮落花时候、 一登楼。 便作春江都是泪, 流不尽, 许多愁! Recollection Tune: Riverside Town Ch’in Kuan West town, the willows sway in the Spring sheen, Arouse the parting pain— And tears hard to detain. The loving tree which tied my homeward boat, I still retain. Green plain, red bridge, same as the good old days, The person is not seen, And water flows in vain. The best time will not for youth’s sake remain. When shall the long long spleen Come to an end, when? In flowers falling, catkins flying scene The tower alone I gain. Even if the Spring river were in all tears, It could have not flown away, So much, so much chagrin! (施颖洲 译) |
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