湘天风雨破寒初,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 深沈庭院虚。 丽谯吹罢小单于, 迢迢清夜徂。 乡梦断, 旅魂孤, 峥嵘岁又除。 衡阳犹有雁传书, 郴阳和雁无。 Return of the Lover Qin Guan The cold of Southern sky dissolves into wind and rain; The courtyard’s deep in vain. From the watchtowers wafts the young prince’s song. How the dreary night appears long! I wake from dreams Of native streams; All I feel only My soul so lonely. After the vicissitude I pass the New Year’s Eve in solitude. The wild geese might bring letters to a Southern town, But there’s no wild geese farther down. (许渊冲 译) |
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