懒云窝, 醒时诗酒醉时歌。 瑶琴不理抛书卧, 无梦南柯。 得清闲尽快活, 日月似撺梭过, 富贵比花开落。 青春去也, 不乐如何?
Tune: Joy before Palace
Ali Xiying
My Nest for Idle Cloud
In my Nest for Idle Cloud, Sober, I drin and write; while drunk, I croon aloud. I will not read nor on lute will I play, No dream to climb up high. I will make merry at leisure, And let sun and moon like shuttles pass by. Wealth and rank, after all, Like flowers, will bloom and fall. The prime of youth has passed away. What should I do if not seek pleasure?
(许渊冲 译) |