可怜秋, 一帘疏雨暗西楼。 黄花零落重阳后, 减尽风流。 对黄花人自羞, 花依旧, 人比黄花瘦。 问花不语, 花替人愁。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Dian Qian Huan Facing the Chrysanthemum, I Lament over Myself Zhang Yanghao The bleak autumn’s oft in foul weather, Because a curtain’s covered with sparse rain, the west storey gets darker. The chrysanthemum flower is fading and losing charming manner Since the Mountaineering Day was over. I’m ashamed of myself in the face of yellow flower. The flower’s so as that in last year, But I’m getting more haggard than the yellow flower. To my question it is keeping silence, As if about me worries the flower. (刘克璋 译) |
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