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2010-3-3 20:50| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 776| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 企鹅丛书·中国诗词;Arthur Cooper;Rewi Alley;David Hinton;许渊冲 译

问余何意栖碧山, 笑而不答心自闲。

桃花流水杳然去, 别有天地非人间。


Question and Answer Among the Mountains

Li Bai


You ask me why I dwell in the green mountains;

I smile and make no reply for my heart is free of care.

As the peach-blossom flows down stream and is gone into the unknown,

I have a world apart that is not among men.




In the Mountains: A Reply to the Vulgar

Li Po


They ask me where’s the scene

on jasper mountains?

I laugh and don’t reply,

in heart’s own quiet:


Peach petals float their streams

away in secret

To other skies and earths

than those of mortals.


Arthur Cooper 译)


Question and Answer in the Hills

Li Pai


A man asked me why I lived

in amongst the green hills

and I just smiled;

with my heart completely at rest

I see the peach blossom

growing wild, petals falling

into the water then floating

away; yes, here by these hills

I live, like no other

place on earth.


Rewi Alley 译)


Mountain Dialogue

Li Po


You ask why I’ve settled in these emerald mountains,

and so I smile, mind at ease of itself, and say nothing.


Peach blossoms drift streamwater away deep in mystery:

it’s another heaven and earth, nowhere among people.


David Hinton 译)


A Dialogue in the Mountain

Li Bai


I dwell among green hills and someone asks me why,

My mind carefree, I smile and give him no reply.

Peach blossoms fallen on running water pass by,

This is an earthly paradise beneath the sky.


(许渊冲 译)





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