火云犹未敛奇峰,欹枕初惊一叶风。 几处园林萧瑟里,谁家砧杵寂寥中? 蝉声断续悲残月,萤焰高低照暮空。 赋就金门期再献,夜深搔首叹飞蓬。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Early Autumn Du Fu The fiery clouds still look like peaks fantastical; I’m surprised in bed to feel the breeze when leaves fall. How many trees in the garden shiver and sough? Whose pounding beetles break the silence then and now? The waning moon hears cicadas’ songs fall and rise; The evening air sees high and low flit the fireflies. Again I’ll dedicate my verse to Golden Gate; Scratching my disheveled hair, I sigh for night is late. |
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