我行山南已三日,如绳大路东西出。 平川沃野望不尽,麦陇青青桑郁郁。 地近函秦气俗豪,秋千蹴踘分朋曹。 苜蓿连云马蹄健,杨柳夹道车声高。 古来历历兴亡处,举目山川尚如故。 将军坛上冷云低,丞相祠前春日暮。 国家四纪失中原,师出江淮未易吞。 会看金鼓从天下,却用关中作本根。 A Journey South of the Mountain Lu
You Three
days have I journeyed south of Zhongnan Mountain On
a highway running straight from east to west; The
plain, flat and fertile, stretches out of sight; Green
the wheat fields, dense and dark the mulberry trees. Close
to Hangu Pass and the old land of Qin The
mettlesome people swing and play ball together; Thick
grows the alfalfa, the horses here are sturdy; Willows
line the roads and carts go rumbling past… Here
kingdoms rose and fell in days gone by, But
the hills and streams are unchanged; Chill
clouds hang low over the Marshal’s Altar, The
spring sun sets before the Minister’s Altar, Two-score
years and more we have lost the Central Plain, Hard
to win it back from the Yangtze and Huai Valleys; But
let our troops descend with sounding drums |
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