映空初作茧丝微,掠地俄成箭镞飞。 纸帐光迟饶晓梦,铜炉香润复春衣。 池鱼鲅鲅随沟去,梁燕翩翩发翅归。 惟有落花吹不去,数枝红湿自相依。 Rain Lu
You A
glimmer in the air like threads of silk, Then,
of a sudden, barbed shafts strike the ground; Dark
still within the curtains, he dreams past dawn, His
spring coat drying over the bronze censer. Plop,
plop! Fish from the pool leap into the canal. Whir,
whir! The swallows skim back to their nests on the beams. No
wind can blow down the fallen blossoms now |
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