昔日曾随魏伯阳,无端醉卧紫金床。 东君谓我多情懒,罚向人间作酒狂。
何用烧丹学驻颜,闹非城市静非山。 时人若觅长生药,对景无心是大还。
Ut Melius Ma
youth I went to study Tao at its living fountain-head, And
then lay tipsy half the day upon a gilded bed. “What
oaf is this,” the Master cried, “content with human lot?” And
bade me to the world get back and call myself a Sot.
wherefore seek immortal life by means of wondrous pills? Noise
is not in the market-place, nor quiet on the hills. The
secret of perpetual youth is already known to me: Accept
with philosophic calm whatever fate may be.
(H. A. Giles 译) |
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