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2011-12-2 20:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1430| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 保罗·怀特;周文标;李兆良 译

读书不见圣贤,如铅椠庸;居官不爱子民,如衣冠盗;讲学不尚躬行,如口头禅;立业不思种德,为眼前花。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


He who studies without appreciating the insights of the wise men of old is no more than a copyist. He who holds office but loves not the common people is no more than a robber in official attire. Engaging in learning without refining one’s conduct is behaving like a person who tries to live up conversations by quoting phrases from the scriptures that he does not understand. A career pursued without storing up virtue is as transitory as flowers that bloom and die before one’s eyes.

(保罗·怀特 译)
If a man keen on learning does not gain an insight into the essence of the works written by sages and men of virtue, he will be not any more than a hired copyist. if a man without official title cannot take care of his people, he will be no less than a bandit clad in court attire. If a man giving lectures on moral principles cannot earnestly practice what he advocates, he is merely a Buddhist monk reciting scriptures. If a man absorbed in his career development does not pay heed to self-cultivation, he is nearly a flash in the pan.
(周文标 译)

Those who only consult books and not the sages are typesetters. An officer that doesn’t care about his constituents is a robber in disguise. A teacher who does not practice what he teaches is merely a narrator. Doing a job without professionalism is like short-lived flowers, bloom and wilt in no time.


(李兆良 译)





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