执大象, 天下往。 往而不害, 安平泰。 乐与饵, 过客止。 道之出口, 淡乎其无味。 视之不足见, 听之不足闻, 用之不足既。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 35 Hold on to the Great Image and the whole world will come to you. Come to you and suffer no harm; but rather know great safety and peace. Music and food—for these passing travelers stop. Therefore, of the Tao’s speaking, we say: Insipid, it is! It’s lack of flavor. When you look at it, it’s not sufficient to be seen; When you listen to it, it’s not sufficient to be heard; Yet when you use it, it can’t be used up. |
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