昔之得一者: 天得一以清, 地得一以宁, 神得一以灵, 谷得一以盈, 万物得一以生, 侯王得一以为天下贞。 其致之也。 天无以清,将恐裂; 地无以宁,将恐发; 神无以灵,将恐歇; 谷无以盈,将恐竭。 万物无以生;将恐灭。 侯王无以贞将恐蹶。 故贵以贱为本, 高以下为基。 是以侯王自称孤、寡、不谷。 此非以贱为本耶? 非乎? 至誉无誉。 不欲璐璐如玉, 珞珞如石。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 39 Of those in the past that obtained the One: Heaven obtained the One and became clear; The earth obtained the One and became tranquil; The Gods obtained the One and became divine; The valleys obtained the One and became full; All things obtained the One and became alive and kept growing; Kings and lords obtained the One and the world became peaceful. Taking this to its logical conclusion we may say: If Heaven had not thus become clear, It would soon have cracked; If the earth had not thus become tranquil, It would soon have broken apart; If the Gods had not thus become divine, They would soon have perished; If the valleys had not thus become full, They would soon have dried up; If all things had not thus become alive and kept growing, They would soon have become extinct; If kings and lords had not thus become honorable and noble, They would soon have toppled and fallen. It is always the case That the noble takes the humble as its root. And the high takes the low as its base. Hence kings and lords call themselves The orphaned, the solitary or the unworthy. This is regarding the humble as the root of the noble, is it not? People disdain the “orphaned,” “solitary” or “unworthy.” And yet kings and lords call themselves by these terms. Therefore the highest honor needs no flattering. Thus with everything— Sometimes it may increase when decreased, And sometimes it may decrease when increased. They desire not to dazzle and glitter like jade, But to remain firm and plain like stone. |
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