道生一, 一生二, 二生三, 三生万物。 万物负阴而抱阳, 冲气以为和。 人之所恶, 唯孤、寡不毂, 而王公以为称。 故物或损之而益, 或益之而损。 人之所教, 我亦教之, 强梁者不得其死。 吾将以为教父。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 42 The Way begot one, And the one, two; Then the two begot three And three, all else. All things bear the shade on their backs And the sun in their arms; By the blending of breath From the sun and the shade, Equilibrium comes to the world. Orphaned, or needy, or desolate, these Are conditions much feared and disliked; Yet in public address, the king And the nobles account themselves thus. So a loss sometimes benefits one Or a benefit proves to be loss. What others have taught I also shall teach: If a violent man does not come To a violent death, I shall choose him to teach me. |
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