名与身孰亲? 身与货孰多? 得与亡孰病? 甚故甚爱必大费, 多藏必厚亡。 故知足不辱, 知止不殆, 可以长久。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 44 Between a person’s fame and his life, which one does the person treasure more? Between a person’s wealth and his life, which one does the person value more? Between fame, wealth and losing one’s own life, which will a person choose? Therefore, if a person treasures his fame excessively, he will spend extravagant energy on it. If a person hoards wealth, sooner or later, he will lose it. A person who is satisfied with his present state will not be disgraced. The person who knows when to stop will not invite danger. If a person can live according to these ways, the person will have peace and live a long life. |
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