使我介然有知, 行于大道, 唯施是畏。 大道甚夷, 而民好径。 朝甚除, 田甚芜, 仓甚虚; 服文采, 带利剑, 厌饮食, 财货有余; 是谓盗夸。 非道也哉! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 53 The great Way is easy, yet people prefer the side paths. Be aware when things are out of balance. Stay centered within the Tao. When rich speculators prosper While farmers lose their land; when government officials spend money on weapons instead of cures; when the upper class is extravagant and irresponsible; while the poor have nowhere to turn— all this is robbery and chaos. It is not in keeping with the Tao. (Stephen Mitchell 译) |
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