善建不拔, 善抱者不脱, 子孙以祭祀不辍。 修之于身, 其德乃真; 修之于家, 其德乃余; 修之于乡, 其德乃长; 修之于国, 其德乃丰; 修之于天下, 其德乃普。 故以身观身, 以家观家, 以乡观乡, 以国观国, 以天下观天下。 吾何以知天下然哉? 以此。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 54 What is firmly established cannot be uprooted; What is tightly embraced cannot slip away. Thus sacrificial offerings made by sons and grandsons will never end. Cultivated in the person, integrity is true. Cultivated in the family, integrity is ample. Cultivated in the village, integrity lasts long. Cultivated in the state, integrity is abundant. Cultivated everywhere under heaven, integrity is vast. Observe other persons through your own person. Observe other families through your own family. Observe other villages through your own village. Observe other states through your own state. Observe all under heaven through all under heaven. How do I know the nature of all under heaven? Through this. (Victor H. Mair 译) |
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