知者不言, 言者不知。 塞其兑, 闭其门, 挫其锐, 解其分, 和其光, 同其尘, 是谓玄同。 故不可得而亲, 不可得而踈; 不可得而利, 不可得而害; 不可得而贵, 不可得而贱。 故为天下贵。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 56 Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know. Block the passage, Bolt the gate, Blunt the sharp, Untie the knot, Blend with the light, Become one with the dust— This is called original unity. It can’t be embraced, It can’t be escaped, It can’t be helped, It can’t be harmed, It can’t be exalted, It can’t be despised, Therefore it is revered under Heaven. (Stephen Addiss & Stanley Lombardo 译) |
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