以正治国, 以奇用兵, 以无事取天下。 吾何以知其然哉? 以此: 天下多忌讳, 而民弥贫; 民多利器, 国家滋昏; 人多伎巧, 奇物滋起; 法令滋彰, 盗贼多有。 故圣人云: 我无为, 而民自化; 我好静, 而民自正; 我无事, 而民自富; 我无欲, 而民自朴。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 57 “Govern the realm by the right, And battles by stratagem.” The world is won by refraining. How do I know this is so? By this: As taboos increase, people grow poorer; When weapons abound, the state grows chaotic; Where skills multiply, novelties flourish; As statutes increase, more criminals start. So the Wise Man will say: As I refrain, the people will reform: Since I like quiet, they will keep order; When I forebear, the people will prosper; When I want nothing, they will be honest. (R. B. Blakney 译) |
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