其政闷闷, 其民淳淳; 其政察察, 其民缺缺。 祸兮福之所倚, 福兮祸之所伏。 孰知其极? 其无正也。 正复为奇, 善复为妖。 人之迷, 其日固久。 是以圣人方而不割, 廉而不刿, 直而不肆, 光而不耀。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 58 When the ruler knows his own heart, the people are simple and pure. When he meddles with their lives, they become restless and disturbed. Bad fortune, yes – it rests upon good fortune. Good fortune, yes –it hides within bad fortune. Oh the things that Heaven sends– Who can know their final aim? Who can tell of their endless ways? Today the righteous turn to trickery, Tomorrow the good turn to darkness. Oh, what delusion abounds and every day it grows worse! But the Sage is here upon the Earth to gently guide us back. He cuts but does not harm. He straightens but does not disrupt. He illumines but does not dazzle. (Jonathan Star 译) |
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