治人事天, 莫若啬。 是谓早服; 早服谓之重积德; 重积德则无不克; 无不克则莫知其极; 莫知其极, 可以有国; 有国之母, 可以长久; 是谓深根固柢, 长生久视之道。 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Chapter 59 In governing people and serving heaven, there is nothing better than moderation. To be moderate is to follow Tao without straying. To follow Tao without straying is to become filled with good energy. To be filled with good energy is to overcome all things. To overcome all things is to know that all things are possible. She who knows that all things are possible is fit to govern people. Because she is one with the mother, her roots go deep, her foundation stands firm, her life lasts long, her vision endures. (Brian Browne Walker 译) |
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