英语口译、笔译资料下载 在中华人民共和国成立六十四周年国庆酒会上的致辞 Speech at
the National Day Reception in Celebration of the 64th Anniversary of the Founding
of the People’s Republic of China
香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英 HKSAR Chief Executive, Mr C Y
香港会议展览中心 Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre
二零一三年十月一日 October 1, 2013
guests, dear colleagues and fellow Hong Kong people,
Together with all people of our
country, today we celebrate the 64th anniversary of the founding of the People’s
Republic of China. On behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR), I welcome all of you to this reception.
In the past year, our country has
again made encouraging achievements in its social and economic development, as
well as in other areas. Its international status and influence continue to be
on the rise. With the support of the Central Government and the co-operation of
Mainland provinces and municipalities, Hong Kong has not only moved forward in
its own development, but also continued to contribute to the progress of our
country and our people.
In the past year, under the
principles of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong people administering
Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy, we have continued to preserve the
integrity of “One Country” while giving play to the characteristics of “Two
Systems”. We have also maintained our status as a highly open and international
city, while safeguarding the sovereignty of our country and the interests of
Hong Kong.
The HKSAR Government and our
society should fully capitalise on the advantages of both “One Country” and “Two
Systems”, and make contributions to the co-development of Hong Kong and the
Mainland through our links both with the international community and with other
parts of our country.
In October last year, the World
Bank ranked Hong Kong the second easiest place to do business in the world.
Early this year, the Heritage Foundation rated Hong Kong the world’s freest
economy for the 19th year in a row. In the
Global Competitiveness Report released by the World Economic Forum last
month, Hong Kong moved up two places to seventh in the world and second in
Asia. And on the newly announced Xinhua-Dow Jones International Financial
Centers Development Index 2013, Hong Kong is placed third for its overall
performance. These are affirmations of Hong Kong’s international status and
Hong Kong’s competitiveness stems
from the untiring efforts of all people in Hong Kong, as well as the support
and ever-increasing international influence of our country. The current-term
Government not only attaches great importance to co-operation with Mainland
provinces and municipalities today, but pays even greater attention to
expanding the scope and raising the levels of co-operation in future.
The ties between Hong Kong and
the Mainland are getting closer. Nowadays, our economic activities across the
boundary have extended geographically from the Pearl River Delta region in the
past to all cities, large and small, across the country. They have also gone
beyond the traditional sectors of manufacturing and real estate to many other
industries, including fisheries, agriculture, mining and services. These
activities have created the most important economic hinterland and the largest
external economy for Hong Kong and consolidated the status of our headquarters
economy, benefiting all sectors and strata of our society directly or
indirectly. Take banking, for example: as at the end of June 2013, 154 branches
of Hong Kong banks were set up in Guangdong Province, while six Hong Kong banks
had opened a total of 58 cross-location sub-branches there. This means that the
services of Hong Kong-invested banks now cover the whole of Guangdong Province.
Under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
(CEPA), Hong Kong products meeting the agreed rules of origin enjoy
tariff-free treatment when imported into the Mainland. Supplement X to CEPA
signed in August this year brings the number of liberalisation measures for
trade in services to 403. Besides fostering a closer economic partnership with
the Mainland, the HKSAR Government has also endeavoured to promote business
with the international community. According to Invest Hong Kong, the number of
overseas and Mainland companies with business operations here has reached an
all-time high of 7 250. About a quarter of foreign-invested companies consider CEPA a key factor in their decision to
operate in Hong Kong.
According to a survey conducted
in 2010 by the Census and Statistics Department, around 175 000 Hong Kong
residents had worked in the Mainland during the 12 months before the survey,
not including those who had to stay in the Mainland for work on a long-term
basis without returning to Hong Kong. The Mainland is also a major tourist
destination for Hong Kong residents. In 2012, Hong Kong people paid over 78 million
visits to the Mainland.
The growing social ties between
Hong Kong and the Mainland are also reflected in the number of cross-boundary
marriages, which accounted for about 35 per cent of all marriages registered in
Hong Kong in 2012. In addition, more and more Hong Kong people go across the
boundary for retirement and education. A survey conducted in 2011 by the Census
and Statistics Department found that there were 115 500 Hong Kong people aged
60 or above residing in the Mainland at the time of the survey, not including “short-stay
Hong Kong permanent residents” with no usual place of residence in Hong Kong
and Hong Kong permanent residents who had moved to the Mainland without
returning to Hong Kong. On education, some higher education institutions in the
Mainland have exempted Hong Kong students from taking the Joint Entrance
Examination for Universities in the Mainland from 2012 onwards under a pilot
scheme. In 2013, 70 Mainland institutions joined the scheme, admitting around 1
200 students from Hong Kong.
Distinguished guests, dear
colleagues and fellow Hong Kong people, the world is changing and China is
moving forward. Hong Kong should actively adapt to the new environment of
co-operation and competition, identifying new roles that we can play and new
functions that we can perform. As Chinese nationals, we, together with all
people of China, should make contributions to the development of our country
while doing our best to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
Now, please join me in a toast:
To the prosperity, success and progress of our country! |
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