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2014-1-14 19:17| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 5| 评论: 0|来自: 国新办

摘要: 国新办于1月13日在国新办新闻发布厅举行新闻发布会,请国家林业局副局长张永利,国家林业局新闻发言人、宣传办主任程红,国家林业局湿地保护管理中心马广仁介绍第二次全国湿地资源调查结果等方面情况,并答记者问。


Remarks at the Press Conference of the State Council Information Office of China



Mr. Zhang Yongli, Vice Minister of the State Forestry Administration of China



13 January 2014




Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press,




Good morning. Welcome to attend today’s press conference. Now, I would like to take this opportunity to brief you on the findings and results of the Second National Wetland Resources Inventory.




The First National Wetland Resources Inventory completed in 2003. In order to gain a better understanding of the conditions and dynamic changes of the wetland resources in the country and develop targeted wetland conservation policies, we initiated the Second National Wetland Resources Inventory in 2009.


This inventory lasted five years and completed in 2013. In that process, we developed specific technical codes and criteria, set up wetland inventory steering committees at the national and provincial level, and designated technical support and quality control units. Based on the nationwide remote sensing data, we integrated 3S technology (GPS+GIS+RS) with in-situ inventory and followed the process of interpretation of remote sensing data, in-situ verification and field investigation, and correction of investigation results. It took 22,000 people and nearly RMB 400 million to gain 260 million pieces of result data in terms of wetlands types, area, distribution, threatened level and ecological status. The Outcome Appraisal Panel, composed by experts from multi-disciplines and various sectors, including 8 academicians, considers the inventory results scientific, accurate, truthful and incredible.


调查结果显示:全国湿地总面积5360.26万公顷,湿地面积占国土面积的比率(即湿地率)为5.58%。与第一次调查同口径比较,湿地面积减少了339.63万公顷,减少率为8.82% 。其中,自然湿地面积4667.47万公顷,占全国湿地总面积的87.08%。与第一次调查同口径比较,自然湿地面积减少了337.62万公顷,减少率为9.33%。  


According to the inventory results, the total wetlands area in the country is 53.6026 million hectares, accounting for 5.58% (wetland cover) of the total territory. Compared with the first inventory results in the same caliber, the wetland area has decreased by 3.3963 million hectares, down by 8.82%. The natural wetland area is 46.6747 million hectares, accounting for 87.08% of the total wetland area. In comparison with the first inventory in the same caliber, the natural wetland area reduced by 3.3762 million hectares, down by 9.33%.




According to the wetland definition of RAMSAR Convention, this inventory divides wetlands into five categories: a marine/coastal wetland area of 5.7959 million hectares, a river wetland of 10.5521 million hectares, a lake wetland area of 8.5938 million hectares, a swamp wetland of 21.7329 million hectares and a human-made wetland of 6.7459 million hectares. The wetlands in the first four categories are natural wetlands.




In terms of distribution, the wetland area of Qinghai, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang Province and autonomous region exceeds 5 million hectares each, the total wetland area in these four provinces and autonomous regions accounts for about half of the total national wetland area.


There are 577 wetland nature reserves and 468 wetland parks in the country. A total wetland area of 23.2432 million hectares is under protection. In the interval of the two national wetland inventories, the protected wetland area increased by 5.2594 million hectares, with the protection rate up from 30.49% to 43.51%.




The analysis of the wetland inventory results shows:


The freshwater resources in the country mainly originated from rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs and ponds. As wetlands sustain 2.7 trillion tons of freshwater and reserve 96% of usable freshwater resources in the country, wetlands ecologically safeguard freshwater security.




China is home to 4220 species of wetland plants and 483 wetland vegetation formations. China’s wetlands are also habitat of 2312 vertebrates, belonging to 5 classes, 51 orders and 266 families, including 231 species of wetland birds. For that, wetlands are species gene pool.




The function of wetlands in water purification is significant. One hectare of wetland can absorb over 1000 kilograms of Nitrogen and over 130 kilograms of Phosphorus every year. Wetlands in the country play a tremendous ecological role of degrading pollutants.




The peat stored in the wetlands of the country plays an important role in addressing climate change. For example, the Ruoergai Wetland has total area of 800,000 hectares and stores about 1.9 billion tons of peat.




The inventory results also indicate that, wetland conservation in China are confronted with such problems of decreased area, weakened functions, growing pressures of various threats and big protection gaps. In addition, from the perspective of administration, the State has not promulgated the regulation on wetland conservation, the long-term mechanism for wetland conservation is yet to be established, the scientific backup system is very weak and the public awareness of wetland conservation is to be increased.




However, the Central Committee of CPC and the State Council have attached great importance to wetland issue. On 7 January 2014, Premier Li Keqiang made an important comment on the Report on the Results of the Second National Wetland Resources Inventory submitted by the State Forestry Administrationit goes: wetlands are important ecological resources. This inventory has brought a clear picture of the basic conditions of wetlands in the country. Relevant ministries shall make concerted efforts to improve wetland conservation system, rely on science and technologies and employ various measures to contain the momentum of wetland loss and degradation.




Vice Premier Wang Yang also made an important comment on the report and instructed that: related ministries shall pay great attention to wetland conservation, strengthen public communication and education, increase investment in wetlands, accelerate wetland legislation, improve wetland conservation system, so as to further upgrade the wetland conservation level in the country and lay a solid ecological foundation for building ecological civilization and a beautiful country.




In general, the situation of wetland conservation in the country is still grim, the conflicts between wetland conservation and social-economic development are quite outstanding. More importance and support to wetland conservation at various levels in the country are urgently needed. For the purpose of implementing RAMSAR Convention and strengthening wetland conservation, we will, in line with the instruction of “expanding wetland area” in the Report of the 18th CPC National Congress, actively promote wetland legislation, improve wetland conservation and management system, strengthen public communication and education, increase area of protected wetlands and intensify efforts in wetland conservation, so as to bring into full play the important role of wetlands in safeguarding ecological security, addressing climate change, promoting social-economic development, and to make greater contribution to developing ecological civilization and building a beautiful China.




Now, my colleagues and I are happy to answer your questions.





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