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2014-3-14 22:26| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 119| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press



Hong Kong Commercial Daily: As neighboring countries and regions grow fast, many people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong’s competitive edge is declining. How do you see the future prospects of Hong Kong’s development?




Li Keqiang: There has been much volatility in the global economy in recent years. Under such grave and complex conditions, Hong Kong has stood firm and maintained prosperity. I believe this shows Hong Kong has kept its competitive edge. Hong Kong has made important contributions to the reform, opening up and modernization drive on the mainland. The comprehensive deepening of reform and economic upgrading of China will also open up broad space for Hong Kong’s development.




The central government’s policy towards Hong Kong and Macao is consistent and clear-cut. The central government will continue to support Hong Kong in maintaining and elevating its status as an international financial, trading and shipping center. The mainland is opening up its service sector, and Hong Kong has a leading edge in this field. “A pavilion close to the pond will get the moonlight first.” With Hong Kong people’s enterprising spirit, I have confidence that Hong Kong will keep its competitive edge and maintain prosperity amidst future global competition.




Associated Press: Mr. Premier, how do you comment on the current state of China-US relationship? In order to further raise the level of China-US ties, what do you think are the obstacles in the way and what change does China wish to see on the part of the United States?




Li Keqiang: The China-US relationship, in essence, is a relationship between the largest developing country and largest developed country in the world. Last year, President Xi Jinping and President Obama had a meeting in California and reached the important consensus of building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States. This relationship has the defining feature of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.




China and the United States are different in history, culture and stage of development. So it’s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation. But these are pains amidst growing cooperation. As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations, in particular, continue to expand their converging interests, they can further raise the level of this relationship.




The common interests between China and the United States far outweigh their differences. Trade between the two countries reached over 520 billion US dollars last year. Roughly calculated, about every one hour, China and the United States will have cut deals worth 100 million dollars. Moreover, the two sides are now in negotiation of a bilateral investment treaty. So there is much more that we can do to further unleash the potential of Sino-US cooperation, and we need to make the most of our complementarities. As the Chinese saying goes, wise people seek common interests while the unwise focus on their differences. Whatever the change may be, it should be conducive to both countries and to the sound and steady growth of China-US ties. So in a word, China and the United States need to focus more on common ground in pursuit of long-term benefits.




China Daily: In your government work report, you said that the government will pursue reform with utmost determination and focus on those reform steps that will have an overall impact. I would like to ask: what is the top priority on the government reform agenda this year?




Li Keqiang: It was decided at the third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee that we will pursue a comprehensive deepening of reform in China. This means that reform will be carried out in all areas of China’s economic and social development. Since last year, the State Council has altogether convened 40 executive meetings. Thirty of them are directly related to reform topics. And the rest of the topics are also studied and pursued with the spirit of reform. The ultimate goal of reform is to energize the market and stimulate creativity of the society. The government needs to perform its duties well to bring benefits to the people.




Your question reminds me of those days I spent in a rural village as a cadre more than 30 years ago. During that time, I worked very hard around the clock. I was anxious to plan out the share of work for each and every villager for the day. But still, with all the hard work, we still didn’t have enough to eat. But later, land was contracted to local villagers, past restrictions were lifted, and peasants were able to decide for themselves what they wanted to grow on the contracted land and what they wanted to do. In just a few years’ time, food and clothing was no longer a problem. To comprehensively deepen reform in China will take time. But our ancestors believe that one needs to be persistent in one’s pursuit of the objective. With persistent efforts over time, I believe we will be able to achieve our goal.




In the course of comprehensively deepening reform, we certainly need to stay focused on key reform initiatives, and seek breakthroughs in key areas. This year, we will continue to streamline administration and delegate power to let the market fully play its role in an effective and well-regulated manner. We will take fiscal, tax and financial reforms as priorities. For example, new steps will be taken to ease the tax burden on micro and small businesses to boost market vitality. We will pursue structural reform to boost structural adjustment. In this area, we will deepen reform of state-owned enterprises, vigorously develop a mixed-ownership economy and ease market access, especially in the service sector, such as health care, old-age support and financial services to boost market competition. I have set out in detail the reform initiatives we are going to take this year in my government work report. I will not elaborate on it here. The crucial thing is to ensure that all reform measures will be fully implemented.




In the course of reform, the vested interests will be shaken up and some people’s cheese will be moved, so to speak. For example, in the course of power delegation, some government departments will find fewer powers in their hands. In boosting market competition and easing market access, some existing companies will feel greater pressure. But in order to further release the dividends of reform and bring greater benefits to our people, we will carry through the reform without hesitation.




ETTV of Taiwan: We now see a great opportunity for further growth of cross-Straits relations. Shortly after the Chinese New Year, the competent departments of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits held a meeting. General Secretary Xi Jinping met with KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, and made important remarks on cross-Straits relations. There has been very close exchange and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. People on both sides hope to see new breakthrough in cross-Straits ties. What is your expectation for cross-Straits ties this year?




Li Keqiang: People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are compatriots and members of one family. This is always true and highly relevant. Just now, you mentioned a few important events in the recent development of cross-Straits ties. Let me also share one interesting anecdote. Last year, media of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits jointly selected the Chinese character “”, or “progress” in English, as “Chinese Character of the Year”. I believe this shows the trend of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and represents the common wish of people on both sides. I hope to see even greater and new progress in cross-Straits ties this year.




I believe people-to-people exchange and business cooperation are important components of cross-Straits relations. Last year, over 8 million visits were exchanged between people of the two sides, reaching a new high. We hope such good momentum will be kept. Moreover, the two sides are also in consultation of a follow-up to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). We hope to see early results out of the consultations so that greater benefits can be delivered to people and businesses of both sides. Please also convey my New Year greetings to our Taiwan compatriots.





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