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2014-3-21 14:56| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 50| 评论: 0|来自: 国新办

摘要: 国务院新闻办公室于2014年1月10日(星期五)上午10时举行新闻发布会,请海关总署新闻发言人、综合统计司司长郑跃声介绍2013年全年进出口情况,并答记者问。


Review of China’s Foreign Trade in 2013



General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China



January 10, 2014




Following the guiding principles of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the foreign trade enterprises in China adapted themselves to the complex and changing international and domestic environment and actively exploited the possibilities in 2013. As a result, China’s foreign trade showed a stabilized and accelerated development with improved quality and efficiency.




According to China Customs statistics, China’s foreign trade volume has made a new record of exceeding US$4 trillion and reaching 25.83 trillion yuan (US$4.16 trillion) in 2013, an increase of 7.6 percent year-on-year after the exchange rate adjustment(similarly hereinafter), which is 1.4 percentage points higher compared with a year earlier. Exports rose by 7.9 percent to 13.72 trillion yuan (US$2.21 trillion). Imports amounted to 12.11 trillion yuan (US$1.95 trillion), an increase of 7.3 percent. Hence China’s trade surplus arrived at 1.61 trillion yuan (US$259.75 billion), up by 12.8 percent.




In December, China’s foreign trade hit a record high by reaching 2.39 trillion yuan (US$389.84 billion), up by 6.2 percent. Exports grew 4.3 percent to 1.27 trillion yuan (US$ 207.74 billion) and imports jumped 8.3 percent to 1.12 trillion yuan (US$182.1 billion). The trade surplus therefore shrank by 17.4 percent to 157.27 billion (US$25.64 billion).




The scale of imports and exports was expanding on a quarter-on-quarter basis in 2013. The growth rate in imports and exports touched the bottom in the second quarter before it rebounded. Imports and exports in four quarters of 2013 were US$975.38 billion, US$1.02 trillion, US$1.06 trillion and US$1.1 trillion, increasing by 13.5 percent, 4.3 percent, 6 percent and 7.3 percent respectively.




The major features of China’s foreign trade in 2013 are as follows:




1. The makeup of China’s trade partners was more diversified: the percentage of trade with China’s traditional partners including the EU, the US and Japan declined whereas marked growth was spotted in trade with emerging markets such as the ASEAN. EU, US, ASEAN, Hong Kong SAR and Japan were the top five trade partners of China in 2013. China-EU bilateral trade rose by 2.1 percent to US$559.06 billion. China-US bilateral trade reached US$521 billion, up by 7.5 percent. Bilateral trade between China and Japan dropped 5.1 percent to US$312.55 billion. Altogether, trade with EU, US and Japan accounted for 33.5 percent of China’s foreign trade in total, 1.7 percentage points lower compared with the previous year. Meanwhile, China’s trade with ASEAN, South Africa and five countries of Central Asia reached US$443.61 billion, US$65.15 billion and US$50.28 billion, up by 10.9 percent, 8.6 percent and 9.4 percent respectively. The trade with Hong Kong SAR surged 17.5 percent to US$401.01 billion.




2. The development in foreign trade was more balanced across different regions of China: foreign trade in seven provinces and municipalities including Guangdong and Jiangsu occupied a smaller part in total national imports and exports whereas imports and exports in mid-western region picked up momentum. In 2013, foreign trade in seven provinces and municipalities including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian totaled US$3.29 trillion, accounting for 79 percent of China’s imports and exports in total, 0.9 percentage points lower than the previous year. On the other hand, seven provinces and municipalities including Chongqing, Henan, Anhui, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Guizhou each enjoyed a foreign trade growth rate exceeding 15 percent, with their total imports and exports accounting for 5.7 percent of the national figure, 0.6 percentage points higher than a year earlier.




3. The structure of foreign trade entities has been improved: private enterprises took up a higher percentage whereas dependence on foreign-invested enterprises was alleviated. In 2013, the imports and exports of private enterprises grew by 20.6 percent to US$1.39 trillion, accounting for 33.3 percent of the total national figure, 3.6 percentage points higher compared with the previous year. Their growth rate was 13 percentage points higher than that of China’s overall foreign trade. Meanwhile, imports and exports of foreign-invested enterprises increased 1.3 percent to US$1.92 trillion, representing 46.1 percent of China’s foreign trade, 2.9 percentage points lower compared with a year earlier. Moreover, foreign trade of state-owned enterprises reduced by 0.6 percent to US$747.97 billion, occupying 18 percent of total national imports and exports, 1.5 percentage points lower compared with the previous year.




4. Composition of imported and exported goods was optimized: China’s export of electro-mechanical products and labor-intensive products experienced steady growth, whereas imports of consumer goods and some of the resource products surged. In 2013, the export of electro-mechanical products totaled US$1.27 trillion with year-on-year growth of 7.3 percent, occupying 57.3 percent of China’s total export value. Meanwhile, the export of labor-intensive products of seven categories including textiles, garment, bags, footwear, toys, furniture and plastics went up by 10.3 percent to US$461.84 billion, taking up 20.9 percent of the total national exports. In addition, China’s imports of consumer goods amounted to US$232.29 billion, up by 24.6 percent. The imports of crude oil, iron ore and coal arrived at 280 million tons, 820 million tons and 330 million tons, an increase of 4 percent, 10.2 percent and 13.4 percent respectively.




5. Transformation of growth pattern of foreign trade and restructuring of imports and exports was continued: China upgraded its capacity of developing on its own. General trade expanded its share whereas processing trade occupied a smaller percentage of China’s overall imports and exports. In 2013, China’s general trade, which featured a long industrial line and high appreciation rate, amounted to US$2.2 trillion with an increase of 9.3 percent, taking up 52.8 percent of China’s foreign trade in total, 0.8 percentage points higher than the previous year. Processing trade grew 1 percent to US$1.36 trillion, accounting for 32.6 percent of the total national imports and exports, 2.2 percentage points lower compared with a year earlier.





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