英语口译、笔译资料下载 Remarks
at the Sixth Round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 国务卿克里和财政部长雅各布∙卢在第6轮美中战略与经济对话开幕式上的讲话
John Kerry, Secretary of State Wang Yang, Vice Premier Jacob Lew Secretary of Treasury Yang Jiechi, State Councilor 国务卿约翰·克里、副总理汪洋 财政部长雅各布·卢、国务委员杨洁篪
Diaoyutai State Guesthouse 钓鱼台国宾馆
Beijing, China 中国
July 9, 2014 2014年7月9日
Well, thank you, and good morning, Vice Premier Wang and State Councilor Yang
Jiechi. It is a privilege to be here with you today. And I wanted to thank all
of you today for the privilege for all of us to be able to be here to not just
have this strategic dialogue, but also to celebrate the 35 (inaudible) years of
diplomatic relations between the United States and China.
It’s more than fair to say that
the scope of our relationship was unimaginable when President Nixon made his
historic visit, which President Xi Jinping referred to, back in 1972. And we
are very grateful to President Xi Jinping for coming here and opening this session.
It is a strong statement about the importance of this dialogue. And we will
meet with him tomorrow and have an opportunity to talk further about the
discussions that we had.
I had the privilege of coming
here to this (inaudible) last year when I was honored by State Councilor Yang
Jiechi, who (inaudible), where President Nixon and Mao Zedong met to open up
this relationship. And it was a good reminder of the importance of what we are
trying to achieve and, frankly, the importance of the things that we must
achieve together.
Back in 1972 it was a handshake
between two leaders that was the leading edge of America’s engagement with
China. Two hands, two leaders met across the great divide. Today, it’s in all
of our hands to be able to realize the full promise of our partnership. So, I
want to welcome the other members of both the Chinese and the American
delegations. I am particularly pleased to be here with my co-chair, the
Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew; with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen; with
our Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker; with the Secretary of Energy, Ernie
Moniz; with our Trade Representative, Mike Froman. As I look down the line with
many other members of government, the top advisors (inaudible) my deputy,
(inaudible) Deputy Secretary of State William Burns -- in fact, as I looked at
the (inaudible) of people from the American delegation here, it is obvious to
me that not a lot is getting done back in Washington today. It is being done
The fact is that the strength of
the delegation that has come here to have this dialogue with you is really a
statement in and of itself that underscores that our shared prosperity will
depend on how well we work together to attract trade, promote trade, bring
investment to both of our countries, and facilitate commercial activity and
innovation. Our shared security depends on the good-faith effort to understand
each other’s interests and our intentions. So it is not just a privilege to be
here, it is a duty. It is a responsibility for all of us.
I heard many times President Xi
Jinping just now talk about a great country relationship, a new model. I would
say to you that a new model is not defined in words. It is defined in actions.
The new model will be defined by the choices that we can make together. And
that is why it is important for us to make the most of these next two days as
we share the kind of inter-disciplinary experience that your delegation and our
delegation have gained over the years.
I want to also underscore to you
that every time that I visit Beijing my connection to the people of China and
our connection, the United States’s connection, I believe, is strengthened and
it is renewed. There are actually ties that I can look at fondly within my own
family, going back in China. My grandfather was born in Shanghai, and he spent
his early years of youth here, with a father who was engaged in commerce, in
trade here in China. And I would personally never forget, as a Senator, one of
my earliest trips to China as a Senator in 1994 was leading a delegation of
business executives from Massachusetts. And even then the satellite dishes and
the construction, the cranes which reach all across the horizon, showed the
untapped extraordinary dynamism of the Chinese people.
I heard the President talk a
moment ago about taking mounds of earth and turning it into buildings. Well, I
saw that firsthand when I looked across the Pudong. In the early 1990s there
were mostly rice paddies. Now there is a city the size of Hong Kong, an
extraordinary statement to the incredible capacity of China.
Today, China’s rise is,
obviously, no longer an abstraction. It is something that we are living with,
not anticipating in the future. And it is as evident as those skyscrapers over
the Pudong, or the different extraordinary architecture here in Beijing, or all
across your country. It is a remarkable statement about your journey.
One thing is clear. One thing
leaps out at us through all of this: We have a profound stake in each other’s
success. It is not lost on any of us that throughout history there has been a
pattern of strategic rivalry between rising and established powers. But I will
say to you today that President Obama, nor any of us who have come here to
represent our country, believe that that kind of rivalry is inevitable. It is
not inevitable. It is a choice. And so, being here this morning with Vice
Premier Wang and State Councilor Yang, and with my counterpart, Foreign
Minister Wang Yi, and with our ambassador, former Senator Max Baucus, I can
tell you that we are determined to choose the path of peace and prosperity and
cooperation and, yes, even competition, but not conflict. When the United
States and China work with each other, we both stand to gain a great deal. And
that’s why we are committed to a new model of relations, of great country relationship,
a mutually beneficial relationship in which we cooperate in areas of common
interest and constructively manage the differences.
Now, I want to emphasize -- I
mentioned this last night in our conversations at dinner -- when I read some of
the commentary about the United States and China, when I listen to some of the
so-called experts, and they talk to us about our relationship, too many of them
suggest that somehow the United States is trying to contain China, or that
things that we choose to do in this region are directed at China. Let me
emphasize to you today the United States does not seek to contain China. We
welcome the emergence of a peaceful, stable, prosperous China that contributes
to the stability and the development of the region, and that chooses to play a
responsible role in world affairs. We may differ on one issue or another. But
when we make that difference, do not interpret it as an overall strategy. It is
a difference of a particular choice. And we need to be able to continue to put
the importance of this relationship, the world’s two largest economies, we need
to be able to understand the importance that we will play in choices for
countries all across this planet.
President Obama sent a letter to
the American and Chinese delegations here today. And in that letter he writes: “We
should use the S&ED to demonstrate to the world that even in a relationship
as complex as ours we remain determined to ensure that cooperation defines the
overall relationship. It also is why we need to build our relationship around
common challenges, mutual responsibilities, and shared interests, even while we
candidly address our differences.” Both President Obama and President Xi remain
committed to building a long-term partnership based on mutual interests and
mutual respect. And I thank President Xi for his statement today making that
absolutely clear.
Over the next two days our
countries will exchange views on a range of bilateral, regional, and global
challenges. The depth of our relationship is evident in our wide-ranging
strategic track agenda, whether it’s working towards denuclearization of the
Korean Peninsula; peacefully resolving the Iranian nuclear issue; advancing the
political solution to the crisis of Syria; or promoting peace in Sudan, South
Sudan, Afghanistan. When the opportunities for a positive, open, and
constructive relationship between the United States and China grow, the
possibilities for peace and prosperity in the world grow even more.
As the world’s two largest
economies, our futures are inextricably entwined. No politician, no leader,
could possibly put the genie of globalization back into the bottle. What we
need to do is learn how to manage it. And we have to tame the worst effects of
it, and put the best possibilities of it to use for all of us. If China
succeeds in rebalancing its economy, the global economy will benefit and so
will we. That is why China’s progress towards a consumption-driven,
market-based economy is so important.
Ultimately, the true measure of
our success will not be just whether our countries grow, but how our countries
grow. And that is one area where we have made real strides in the deepening of
our relationship on climate change and clean energy. On my last visit to China
I saw with my own eyes what’s possible when we work together. We visited the
Joint Foton-Cummins clean engine facility here in Beijing, and I saw that we’re
not just transforming the way we use and produce energy. We also saw that we
are creating jobs, we are building clean engines, and strengthening our
As part of our Climate Change
Working Group, we’ve already launched five initiatives to zero in on some of
the key drivers of greenhouse gas emissions. So, step by step, we are shifting
our focus from the difficulty of compromise to the inescapable reality of a
clean energy future. The solution to climate change is energy policy. And
energy, as a market, is the biggest market the world has ever seen. So we both
are sharing an enormous economic opportunity, even as we are looking at the
possibility of providing jobs for our people, having healthier societies,
cleaner air, and greater energy security for the long-term future.
The truth is that providing
solutions to the challenge of our energy policies is not a brake, it is not a
restraint on economic growth. It (inaudible) economic growth. It is the engine
of economic growth. So, the importance of this dialogue that we are having
these two days really couldn’t be any clearer. I’m confident that the next two
days are going to be productive, we are going to build on the dialogue that we
have achieved over the course of the last five years. And, despite our
differences, our two nations have the ability to find common ground. That is
the foundation on which we need to build decades of prosperity in the future,
and also build the possibilities of stability and peace at the same time. That
is the road that President Obama commits us to follow, and that is the road
that we look forward to defining with you, not just in these next two days, but
over these next months and years together.
Thank you. (Applause.)
谢谢你们。(掌声) |
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