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2014-11-15 21:15| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 4| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on November 13, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on November 13, 2014




Q: Over the course of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, China took numbers of actions to improve relations with some countries including Japan and the Philippines. Is it an effort to overcome tensions over territorial disputes? If so, does it represent a shift in China’s relevant policy?




A: During this APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, the Chinese leadership met with leaders of relevant countries and reaffirmed the principled position on improving and developing relations with relevant countries. China’s position on territorial sovereignty is consistent and clear-cut. We are resolute in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Meanwhile, we stay committed to resolving disputes with relevant countries through dialogue and consultation in an effort to jointly maintain peace, stability and development of the region.




Q: First, reports say that militants from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) have been spotted inside Syria. Is China aware of this and what is your comment? Second, has China proposed to the Afghan government that it is willing to host peace and reconstruction talks on Afghanistan among Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Taliban? Is there a timeline for the talks?




A: On your first question, we have always said that the ETIM imposes terrorist threat to both China and the entire world. Fighting against East Turkestan terrorist forces represented by the ETIM is an important part of the global counter-terrorism campaign, and we hope to win further support and understanding of the world on this issue.




On your second question, recently Afghan President Ghani paid a visit to China while China held the 4th Ministerial Meeting of Istanbul Process on Afghanistan. The Chinese side hopes for lasting peace, stability and development in Afghanistan, which is conducive to peace and stability of the region and the world and is in line with the common interests of all countries. China supports the “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” process of peace and reconciliation as well as the political reconciliation and economic reconstruction of Afghanistan. China is poised to play a constructive role to this end.




Q: Recently China and the US issued the China-US Joint Announcement on Climate Change, and the BASIC countries also reached similar consensus in previous climate change negotiations. Is the agreement between China and the US a sign that China will deviate from the consensus reached by the BASIC countries?




A: During President Obama’s visit to China, the two countries released the China-US Joint Announcement on Climate Change which outlined respectively the two countries’ post-2020 actions on climate change. Relevant objectives are set independently by the two countries based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility in accordance with their own national realities. By doing this, China hopes to send out two signals. First, China is firm in resolve and strong in actions when it comes to combating climate change. China’s objectives are set upon scrupulous research and study and therefore full of vigor and ambition, requiring arduous efforts to be implemented. China is utterly serious and responsible in this regard. Second, climate change can only be better dealt with through strengthened international cooperation. China is willing to work together with all parties to push forward a new agreement on addressing climate change in 2015 as scheduled. It is hoped that developed countries can honor their commitment to pre-2020 actions, continue to take the lead in substantive emission reduction after 2020 and make due contribution to the global efforts of combating climate change. On the issue of climate change, China maintains close communication and cooperation with other BASIC countries and other developing countries and will continue to do so.





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