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2014-11-24 22:08| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 12| 评论: 0|来自: 国新办

摘要: 国新办于11月21日举行发布会,请全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作领导小组办公室副主任柴海涛和公安部、新闻出版广电总局、知识产权局等领导介绍知识产权保护及打击侵权假冒的有关情况,并答记者问。


Address at the Press Conference of the State Council Information Office



Mr. Chai Haitao, Deputy Director General, Office of the National Leading Group for Combating IPR Infringement and counterfeits



November 21, 2014




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good morning!


Today, I’d like to share with you the latest progress of the Chinese government’s efforts in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR) and combating IPR infringement and counterfeits.




Protecting IPR in line with law and combating manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy goods is not only the important safeguard for China to implement its innovation-driven strategy, but also the important content of transformation of government function and enhancement of supervision during and after event. In recent years the Chinese government strengthened combating IPR infringement and counterfeits continuously and the level of IPR protection kept rising. In the first three quarters of 2014 Premier Wang Yang chaired the plenary meeting of the National Leading Group for Combating IPR Infringement and Counterfeits for 3 times to study and deploy the priorities for each respective quarter. In accordance with the decision and deployment of the Leading Group, all the regions and departments related carried out specific rectifications targeting at outstanding problems of IPR infringement and counterfeiting and strived to build the long-term mechanism. The investigation and closing of a series of major and serious cases contributes to maintaining the market order of fare-play and improving the innovation climate.




From January to September of this year, relevant administrative enforcing departments all over the nation, investigated and handled 112700 cases of IPR infringement and manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy products, destroyed 1938 manufacture and sales dens of counterfeits; Public security departments uncovered 16100 criminal cases and arrested over 20000 criminal suspects; procuratorial organizations prosecuted 12200 suspected criminal cases and nearly 20000 suspects; and adjudication organs adjudicated 116000 criminal cases and verdicts of 15700 persons took effect.




Reviewing this year’s work of combating IPR infringement and counterfeits, we can find the following remarkable features:




Firstly, breakthrough of institutional construction has been achieved by focusing on improving the long-term mechanism. This February the State Council approved and forwarded the Opinion on Disclosing Information of Administrative Penalty Cases of Manufacturing and Selling Fake and Shoddy Goods and Intellectual Property Right Infringement openly drafted by the Leading Group, which provides clear requirements on the content, access rights, procedure, mode and supervision management of information disclosure of cases. This is not only the important part of long-term mechanism of combating IPR infringement and counterfeits, but also the strong measures of promoting information disclosure of government and building a “sunshine government”, contributing to strengthening public supervision, deterring law breakers, limiting law enforcers, protecting consumers and promoting construction of the credit system. Since the issuance of the Opinion, the Office of Leading Group and 9 administrative departments jointly held the national video conference to promote disclosure of information on administrative penalty cases with great efforts. Accordingly, all the related regions and departments issued regulations on supervisory administration and rules of implementation, and began to publicize information of administrative penalty cases on June 1, 2014. Now this task is proceeding smoothly. According to incomplete statistics, departments related have disclosed the information of over 5000 cases of administrative penalty. Looking forward, we shall incorporate the work of case information disclosure into the assessment system of government achievement and strengthen direction and supervision for the in-depth development of the work mentioned above.




Secondly, highlighting the focus in the specific rectifications and maintaining high pressure of law enforcement and combating. In recent years we have witnessed some new development of IPR infringement and counterfeit which features in shifting to the internet field and concentrating towards rural-urban continuum. Against this backdrop, the specific rectifications not only focused on the physical markets but also the virtual markets. In the third quarter the work plan for combating internet IPR infringement and counterfeit was issued targeting at tightening supervision over key internet sales platforms, upgrading the IPR protection in the field of cross border E-commerce, cracking down on IPR infringement and sell of fake and shoddy products over internet and exploring ways to enhance supervisory capacity via information technologies. This July, under the uniform command by the Ministry of Public Security, local public security organs in regions such as Shandong Province jointly uncovered a case of selling fake brand clothes, destroyed a giant criminal gang of manufacturing and selling counterfeits by seizing fake band clothes and shoes like NIKE, ADIDAS etc., with 60000 in volume and 130 million yuan in value. Recently, the Office of the Leading Group and the related departments jointly issued the Plan of Specific Rectification in the Rural-urban Continuum. According to this plan, starting from December 2014 to June 2015, the specific rectification in the rural-urban continuum shall be implemented, and resources shall be directed to the first line of enforcement to strengthen supervision and inspection in the area of circulation, severely crack down on the illegal acts such as producing seeds and fake shoddy agricultural materials by abusing the trademark of other owners, counterfeiting well-known brands or foreign brands, and manufacturing fake and shoddy commodities. Meanwhile, the related departments organized various specific activities to deter the trend of IPR infringement and counterfeits rampancy. These activities include namely “the Sword of quality inspection” (combating counterfeits campaign), “Five Rectifications” of medical equipment, Special rectification of TV Purchase, Know-how Protection and online patent protection, etc.







Thirdly, the combat of criminal justice has been enhanced with the rocketing of the number of related cases. In 2014 the combating power of criminal justice was enhanced significantly. The public security agencies made more efforts in joint case-handling cross regions; the prosecutorial organizations and courts handled much more cases by increasing efficiency of work process of filing, hearing and concluding. Statistics indicate that in the first 3 quarters of this year, the number of cases filed by the prosecutorial organizations went up by 63% compared to the same period of last year, and the number of the cases concluded by the courts increased by 72%. To severely punish the illegal acts in line with law, the Office of the Leading Group joint hands with related departments to promote connection between administrative enforcement and criminal enforcement. Firstly, institutional building has been enhanced with further specified rules on case enquiry, clue handing-over and result feedback. Secondly, new technologies have been utilized to enhance information sharing between departments related, and to establish and run the national-wide and coherent online information sharing platform of administrative enforcement and criminal enforcement which contributed to realizing the online transfer and real-time monitor over cases, and strengthening the joint power of combating IPR infringement and counterfeits. Till now, 22 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) set up information sharing platforms.




Lastly, broadening the path of communication and interactions by revising and upgrading the working website. In 2012 the Office of the Leading Group launched the website of www.ipraction.cn, which is an important portal website on China’s combating IPR infringement and counterfeits. In order to meet the demand of deepening the work of combating infringement and counterfeits, we have revised and upgraded the website by optimization of column setting, content showing and front page featuring, and by opening the English website and adding 37 local sub-websites. The new website is expected to operate online in December. It shall strengthen the functions of communication, interaction and service greatly. While showcasing laws, regulations, policies and work progress of China’s combating IPR infringement and counterfeits, the website shall disseminate the knowledge of IPRs and recognizing and telling apart counterfeits, introduce the new trends of international IPR protection, and establish a communication and interaction platform between the government and the netizens, aiming to offer enquiry and legal assistance for the general public. Here I do sincerely hope that you could pay more attention to the working website and promote it as appropriate.




That’s all I want to share with you. Following the above briefing, my colleagues and I shall be very happy to answer your questions.





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