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2014-11-26 02:39| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 144| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on November 25, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on November 25, 2014




At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, S.M.Le Roi Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco will pay a state visit to China from November 27 to 28.




Q: A British group of MPs canceled their trip to China after one of the MPs was refused the visa. He previously voiced support to “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong. What is China’s comment on that?




A: What you mentioned must be the dialogue between major political parties of China and the UK, which serves as an important platform of exchanges and mutual learning between China and the UK. The Chinese side welcomes the attendance by British statesmen who are enthusiastic about China-UK relations to the dialogue, so as to inject positive energy to the growth of China-UK relations. It is regrettable that the dialogue may be put off or cancelled because of some individual. It is hoped that the British side will do more to build up mutual trust with China and energetically advance China-UK relations.




Q: Kenya was stricken by a terrorist attack which killed 28 people. What is your comment on that?




A: The Chinese side is firmly opposed to all forms of terrorism. We are shocked at the vicious and violent attack, and condemn that in strong terms. We express deep condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the bereaved families.




Q: The Indian side appointed National Security Adviser Ajit Doval as the new special representative for the boundary talks with China. What is China’s comment on that? What are China’s expectations for the next round of special representatives’ meeting? Reports say that China wants a higher-ranking official as India’s special representative. Can you confirm that?




A: The Chinese side welcomes the nomination of Mr. Doval as India’s special representative for the China-India boundary question, and is going to express congratulations through proper channels. The Chinese side is ready to hold a new round of special representatives’ meeting with the Indian side in due course, so as to advance the process of resolving the boundary question based on existing principles and consensus.




Since the establishment of the mechanism of special representatives’ meeting for the China-India boundary question in 2003, special representatives from the two sides have held 17 meetings, fully exchanged views on the boundary question at a high level and achieved positive outcomes. The two sides signed the Agreement on Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the Settlement of the China-India Boundary Question in 2005, stating explicitly important principles such as resolving the boundary question with a holistic approach. The two sides also agree to jointly maintain peace and tranquility of the border areas pending the final settlement of the boundary question. The special representatives’ meeting has come to a crucial stage of exploring the framework for a settlement. In-depth discussions have been held which lead to some preliminary consensus. The settlement of the boundary question at an early date serves the common interests of China and India, and meets the strategic target set by the two governments. The Chinese side is ready to make joint efforts with the Indian side to advance the process of boundary talks, strive to find an equitable, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution in the spirit of peace, amity, consultation on an equal footing, mutual respect and mutual understanding, and endeavor to solve the boundary question for good at an early date.




With regard to the reports saying that China eyes a higher-ranking official as India’s new special representative, I have not heard about that.




Q: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit will start tomorrow in Nepal. China is the observer state of SAARC. Please give us some details about China’s delegation. Reports say that some of the Nepali officials want China to become a full member of SAARC. What is China’s response to that?




A: As the observer state of SAARC, China attaches great importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with SAARC. Vice Chinese Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin has led the Chinese delegation to attend the 18th SAARC summit. The Chinese side wishes the summit a success and SAARC constant new growth, so as to make greater contributions to peace, stability and development of South Asia.




China values the status and role of SAARC. Since becoming the observer state of SAARC in 2005, the Chinese side has sent four times high-level delegation to the SAARC summit. Cooperation between China and SAARC in all fields is on an increase. Going forward, the Chinese side will continue to carry out friendly exchanges and practical cooperation with SAARC in the spirit of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and play a constructive role in promoting regional peace, stability and prosperity.




Q: The UN held an observance on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 24. What is China’s comment on that?




A: An observance was held by the UN on November 24 on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. President Xi Jinping sent a message of congratulations.




Xi Jinping said in the message that history has proved once and again that force brings no peace, while negotiation is the sole approach to remove differences. It is the heartfelt wish of China that Palestine and Israel restart the peace talks at an early date, give peace a chance, and assure the people of tranquility.




Xi Jinping stressed that China always stands firmly behind the Palestinians in their pursuit of the righteous cause of recovering the legitimate national rights. People from all over the world call for the realization of peace between Palestine and Israel. China will continue to work toward that end together with the international community.






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