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2014-11-26 02:39| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 145| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on November 25, 2014



Q: First, a local court of the Philippines reportedly fined 9 Chinese fishermen 100,000 US dollars each for illegal poaching of sea turtles. What is China’s response to that? Second, the P5+1 and Iran failed to reach a comprehensive agreement within the set timeline. What is China’s comment on that?




A: On your first question, China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and the adjacent waters. By illegally arresting and detaining Chinese fishing boats and fishermen, and now making the so-called judicial decision, the Philippine side has seriously violated China’s sovereignty and jurisdiction. China firmly opposes that and urges the Philippine side to unconditionally release the Chinese fishing boat and fishermen.




On your second question, as a major party to the talks on the Iranian nuclear issue, China has been making positive efforts in the course of the talks. Upholding an objective and unbiased position, China has been mediating among all parties to promote talks and has come up with many constructive opinions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who just wrapped up his tour accompanying President Xi Jinping to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, lost no time in flying to Vienna to attend the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting between the P5+1 and Iran. This fully demonstrates the high importance the Chinese side attaches to the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. During the meeting, China put forward a new thinking to resolve focal issues, which is well received by all sides and is believed to play a positive role as all sides move to have last-stage negotiations.




Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that at the final stage of negotiations, China calls on all sides to be persistent and patient in adhering to a political resolution, stick to the basic consensus of upholding the international non-proliferation regime and ensuring Iran’s rights of peacefully using nuclear energy, stay committed to the principle of step-by-step and reciprocity so that a package solution can be reached within a reasonable timeframe and be implemented gradually, and maintain a positive stance by being flexible, pragmatic and working towards the same direction so as to pool more consensus on the resolution of the issue.




During this meeting, all sides spoke highly of the important progress coming out of recent negotiations which were believed to have laid a sound foundation for a comprehensive deal. All sides agreed to give more time to the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue. We stand ready to work with relevant parties, strive to resolve the remaining issues in the coming months and arrive at a comprehensive deal on the Iranian nuclear issue.




Q: The state grand jury of Missouri, the US made a decision on November 24 of not indicting a white policeman named Darren Wilson who shot dead an African-American teenager. It has caused great controversy in the US. This is characterized as a miscarriage of justice and a violation of human rights. As a frequent receiver of US criticism about human rights record, what is China’s comment on that?




A: I have noted that the trial has garnered wide attention. It belongs to America’s internal affairs. I have no comment on that. However, the incident you brought up is a case in point showing that when it comes to human rights record, there is no such a thing as perfection. On human rights issues, all countries should engage in dialogue, communication and cooperation, and learn from each other to improve human rights record altogether, rather than pointing fingers at each other.




Q: Vietnam has sent two warships to a port-call in the Philippines. What is China’s comment on that?




A: To safeguard peace and stability of the South China Sea is a wish shared by everyone. It calls for the concerted efforts of all sides. We hope relevant parties can do more things to enhance mutual trust and promote regional peace and stability.






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