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2014-12-5 21:56| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 21| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 4, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 4, 2014




Q: It is reported that the Venezuelan Minister of Economy and Finance is likely to announce during his visit to China the transfer of a small island in the Caribbean Sea to China as the repayment of Chinese loans. Can you confirm this?




A: Rodolfo Marco Torres, vice president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Economy and Finance of Venezuela, started his visit to China on December 2. He exchanged views on practical cooperation between China and Venezuela with Chinese officials from relevant authorities and financial institutions.




Venezuela is an important oil producer and exporter in the world, and also a significant economic and trading partner of China. Recent years have witnessed fruitful results in bilateral practical cooperation covering various fields, which serve as a driver for economic and social development of the two countries. With regard to financing, the two sides have set up a mature and effective cooperation mechanism. All Chinese loans and their interests are being repaid properly. .




As far as I know, the report on Venezuela’s transfer of an island to China to pay for Chinese loans is totally groundless and such thing is non-existent.




Q: Is it true that Venezuela is asking for more loans from China?




A: As I just mentioned, Venezuelan vice president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Economy and Finance Torres came to China for exchanges on practical cooperation with Chinese officials in charge of relevant authorities and financial institutions. You may contact competent authorities for specifics.




This year marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Venezuela. In July this year, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Venezuela, forged important consensus with President Nicolas Maduro on bilateral relations and elevated bilateral relations to comprehensive strategic partnership. A mutual-beneficial, friendly and cooperative relationship between China and Venezuela serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, and also helps to promote economic and social development of Latin America and advance the overall development of China-Latin America relations. China is willing to work with the Venezuelan side to further deepen practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries and better benefit the two peoples.




Q: The China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century is holding a meeting in Beijing. What are China’s expectations for this meeting?




A: The 5th plenary session of the China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Century is being held in Beijing and Xi’an from December 2 to 6. As chief members of the committee, Tang Jiaxuan and Taizo Nishimuro respectively led the Chinese delegation and the Japanese delegation to the meeting. I guess you may have already read the report on the opening ceremony. We attach great importance to developing Sino-Japanese relationship, and expect people from all walks of life in the two countries to make proactive and constructive efforts for the development and improvement of bilateral relations.




Q: Can you brief us on South African President Jacob Zuma’s visit to China? Which part does China care most about when carrying out cooperation with South Africa? Is China interested in carrying out nuclear energy cooperation with South Africa?




A: This morning, Premier Li Keqiang met with President Zuma, and later today, President Xi Jinping will hold talks with him. During President Zuma’s visit to China, the two heads of state will exchange in-depth views on how to deepen cooperation between the two countries in an all-round way.




Q: American Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel said during a testimony before the US Senate that the “Occupy Central” movement in Hong Kong is not driven by outsiders and that the US is never involved in the protest. The United States has been urging China to exercise restraint and flexibility and to allow the voices of the people of Hong Kong to be heard. How does China respond to this?




A: We have taken note of relevant report. Hong Kong affairs fall entirely within China’s domestic affairs, and the Chinese side resolutely opposes any interference in any form by any foreign country. We have expounded on our solemn position concerning the fact that some individuals and forces in the world attempt to interfere in Hong Kong affairs or even foment and support illegal activities such as “Occupy Central”.




Maintaining stability and prosperity of Hong Kong meets the interests of both the Chinese side and relevant parties. We hope relevant countries can match their words with their deeds, honor their commitment and do more things that contribute to stability and prosperity of Hong Kong.




Q: While addressing the US Business Roundtable on December 3, American President Barack Obama said that China has a very strong interest in maintaining good relations with the United States and his visit was a demonstration of China’s interest in managing this relationship effectively. The US shares the same goal with China and wants a constructive “win-win” relationship. The US is confident that it could manage its relationship with China in a way that is productive for the world, but the two countries need to fix things such as commercial cyber theft. He also mentioned that China’s growing nationalism has worried China’s neighbors. Has the Chinese side noticed these remarks? What is your response?




A: I have noted President Obama’s remarks as you mentioned. We need to read it more closely, and here I’d like to make clear China’s principled position.




The sustained, stable and sound growth of China-US relationship conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples. Last month, President Obama attended the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing and paid a state visit to China. President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders exchanged in-depth views with him and reached broad consensus on China-US relations and major international and regional issues of common interest. In particular, the two leaders agreed to press ahead with the building of a new type of major-country relationship between China and the US, and had thorough discussions on key directions in which this relationship can be further advanced.




China and the US differ in historical and cultural traditions, social systems and development levels, and it is only natural that the two countries cannot see eye to eye on some issues. However, common interests between the two countries always outweigh differences. China and the US should respect each other’s core interests, major concerns and discrepancies, commit themselves to managing disputes and sensitive issues constructively through dialogue and consultation, and make concerted efforts to safeguard the overall stability of bilateral relations.




Q: President Obama also mentioned in his address that it is not suitable to raise children in Beijing because of the air pollution. What is your comment on this?




A: I haven’t seen this. You may notice that the Chinese government is strongly resolved to bring pollution under control and has taken effective measures. It is also our hope that the “APEC Blue” can stay with us so that all children in China are able to grow up happily under the blue sky on a green land.





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