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2014-12-5 22:15| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 3| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 5, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 5, 2014




Q: The Kenyan police arrested 77 Chinese people suspected of financial fraud. Please give us more details on this case and what efforts has China made.




A: We have noted this report. Investigation is still underway and initial assessment shows that this is likely to be a telecommunication fraud case. China and Kenya enjoy long-standing friendship, and the Chinese side resolutely supports the Kenyan side in combating all forms of illegal and criminal activities. We will actively cooperate with the Kenyan side to carry out investigation and handle the case in accordance with law. Meanwhile, we also hope that the Kenyan side can safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens being involved and properly deal with this case in a law-abiding and just way.




Q: Statistics released by the China National Tourism Administration on December 3 show that the number of mainland Chinese tourists traveling abroad this year has topped 100 million by November for the first time ever. What is China’s comment on that? What has been done by China’s consular service and protection authorities to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of such a large number of overseas Chinese citizens?




A: The year-round number of mainland Chinese tourists traveling abroad for the first time passes 100 million. It is the unceasing advancement of reform and opening up in China that makes this happen. It speaks volumes for the growing overall national strength of China, increasingly close contact and communication between the Chinese people and people from around the world and the still more extensive and in-depth engagement of China in global economic and social activities.




Following the concept of putting people first and conducting diplomacy for the people, the Foreign Ministry has made energetic efforts for years to establish a new order for personnel exchanges between China and other countries, improve the arrangements that facilitate such kind of exchanges at various levels and through different channels, and make it easier for Chinese citizens to go abroad. Going forward, we will continue to work on the signing of mutual visa-waiver agreements and pursue the issuance of long-validity and multi-entry visas by more countries, support in-bound and out-bound travel with better institutional arrangements, provide as much service and convenience as possible to Chinese citizens that “go global” and make it easier for people to travel on a Chinese passport.




The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the security and legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens. It should not only be easy but also safe for Chinese citizens to travel abroad. Given the rapid growth of Chinese citizens going global and the increasingly complex security situation abroad, we maintain that “resolution” should go hand in hand with “prevention”. Under the mechanism of joint inter-ministerial meeting for the protection of overseas Chinese citizens and institutions, we make all-out efforts to handle major and emergent China-related consular cases and effectively protect the security and legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals. We also press vigorously ahead with preventive consular protection by upgrading the website on consular affairs, sending text messages about safety tips, holding publicity campaigns on consular protection and distributing booklets, etc.. All the efforts to issue early security warning and impart security knowledge overseas have remarkably improved the awareness and capacity of our citizens in security precaution. The Foreign Ministry got a global emergency call center for consular protection and service up and running in September this year. It serves as a green channel for consular protection and service between overseas Chinese citizens and their motherland, making it possible for Chinese citizens who run into threats or difficulties in foreign countries to get into contact with their motherland right away and receive professional guidance and help in no time.




In the future, the Foreign Ministry will further optimize the overseas livelihood project of consular protection and service, keep in mind the tenet of serving the people, work hard to build an all-in-one mechanism for consular protection, put more weight on enhancing the capacity of consular protection, and go all-out to build a safety net that guarantees the security and legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens.




Q: Yesterday, US Congressman Chris Smith from New Jersey called for an investigation in a hearing on whether the Confucius Institute is stifling academic freedom of US universities. What is China’s comment on this?




A: First, I can tell you that all Confucius Institutes in the US are jointly run by Chinese and American universities following the application by US universities at their own will. All teaching and cultural activities are open and transparent. China offers assistance in teachers and textbooks to the US at its request, and has never hindered academic freedom.




Second, the Confucius Institute is set up to help people from the world learn the Chinese language and culture, step up exchanges and cooperation with other countries on education and culture, and foster friendship between China and the world. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping addressed the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Confucius Institutes around the world, underscoring that the Confucius Institute has proactively carried out Chinese language teaching and cultural exchange activities and played a significant role in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations and advancing mutual understanding and friendship between people from China and around the world. The Confucius Institute belongs to China and the world as well. We hope all parties can discard prejudices and work together to cement this bridge of friendship linking China and the world.




Q: According to the news release from a seminar held by China’s Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) in Kunming, China will completely ban the transplant of organs from executed prisoners starting from January 1, 2015. Can you confirm this?




A: The Chinese government always follows the World Health Organization’s guiding principles on human organ transplant, and has strengthened its management on organ transplant in recent years. On March 21, 2007, the Chinese State Council enacted the Regulations on Human Organ Transplant, providing that human organ donation must be done voluntarily and gratis. You can raise your question to the public health authority for specifics.




Q: US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel said in his testimony before the US Senate that there are signs showing China’s commitment to the “one country, two systems” model, as well as to maintaining a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong, is eroding. What is China’s comment? Is there any change in the central government’s policy towards Hong Kong?




A: Since Hong Kong’s return to China, the “one country, two systems” practice has achieved world-renowned success. We have reiterated that the Chinese central government unswervingly implements the “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, supports Hong Kong in pressing ahead with democratic development in accordance with law and safeguards enduring prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Meanwhile, we are resolute in guarding against and curbing foreign forces from interfering in Hong Kong affairs or sabotaging the practice of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong.




Democratic and constitutional development in the Hong Kong special administrative region must be advanced lawfully in line with the Basic Law and relevant decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. The Chinese central government sincerely hopes to see rational discussions and meeting of minds by people from all walks of life in Hong Kong so as to implement the universal suffrage in accordance with law.




After the conference, the follow-up question was raised: Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered the annual state of the union speech on December 4. What is China’s comment?




Hua Chunying: China is committed to the principle of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries. Being a friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner for coordination, China respects Russia’s choice of development path and domestic and foreign policies in line with its national realities, and is ready to increase mutual support and collaboration with Russia on issues concerning each other’s core interests as it always is.





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