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2014-12-9 23:30| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 6| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on December 9, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on December 9, 2014




Q: The US State Department released on its website a report entitled “Limits in the Sea-China’s Maritime Claims in the South China Sea”. What is China’s comment on this report?




A: China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea and claims to the relevant rights were formed over the long course of history, and have been consistently upheld by successive Chinese governments. It is China’s long-standing commitment to resolving the territorial disputes over several maritime features of the Nansha Islands and the overlapping claims to maritime rights and interests in parts of the South China Sea through direct negotiations and friendly consultations with countries directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. The US report turns a blind eye to basic facts and international jurisprudence. It is a violation of the US commitment of not taking position or taking sides on the South China Sea issue, and will by no means help resolve the South China Sea disputes or contribute to peace and stability in the South China Sea. China urges the US side to strictly honor its commitment, be prudent in words and deeds, and approach and handle the relevant issues in an objective and impartial manner.




After the press conference, the following questions were raised:




Q: South African President Zuma said on December 7 that China will help the African Union to set up rapid response forces to reinforce Africa’s capabilities to deal with crisis. Please confirm that.




A: China has been a constructive participant in Africa’s peace and security affairs. In recent years, China has been supporting and assisting the African Union in its peace-keeping operations in Somalia, Mali and other countries. To set up crisis rapid response forces and standing army is another productive attempt by the African people to resolve African issues in the African way, to which China gives its firm backing. Last October, China and the African Union held the 1st round of Grouping Dialogue on Peace and Security under the framework of strategic dialogue, and discussed peace and security cooperation, including helping Africa build rapid response forces. China will, as always, stand by the African Union, African sub-regional organizations and African countries as they strive to safeguard peace and security.




Q: On December 8, the UN Climate Conference in Lima announced a report jointly drawn up by Climate Analytics and other organizations. The report said that the commitments undertaken by China, the US and the EU on curbing greenhouse gas emissions will help slow down the pace of global warming of this century, but further efforts are still needed. What is China’s comment on that?




A: To address the challenge of climate change calls for the international community to pool their efforts and cooperate over the long haul. Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in accordance with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equality and respective capabilities, all countries should do their best and make their due contributions. What is pressing now is to implement the medium-term goal which is to fully achieve the pre-2020 target, further enhance pre-2020 emission reduction efforts, and lay the groundwork for reaching a new deal by 2015 as scheduled.




As a major developing county that takes its responsibility seriously, China has done a lot in adaption and mitigation. China’s carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP in 2013 dropped by 28.5% from the level of 2005, amounting to a reduction of about 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide. According to a research report issued by the World Bank, from 1990 to 2010, the amount of energy saved by China in aggregate takes up 58% of the global total. These achievements are recognized by the international community. By 2020, China will strive to reduce its carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP by 40% to 45% compared to the 2005 level. China will also work to realize its recently announced post-2020 targets, and contribute further to countering climate change.





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