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2014-12-22 23:34| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 14| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 22, 2014


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on December 22, 2014




Q: Does the Chinese side agree with the US side that the DPRK should take responsibility for the cyber attack against Sony Pictures? Has China been engaged in any conversation with the US? What Kind of message will China send to the DPRK? Will they be told that their behavior is unacceptable?




A: China holds a consistent and clear position on maintaining cyber security. China is against all forms of cyber attacks and cyber terrorism, including cyber attacks launched by any country or individual by using facilities beyond its own national borders against a third country. China is poised to carry out constructive cooperation with the international community in safeguarding peace and security of the cyber space on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust.




Last night, Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to US Secretary of State John Kerry on the phone. Secretary of State Kerry expounded on the US side’s view and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated China’s relevant position.




Q: The joint session of Romania’s parliament swore in Klaus Iohannis as the country’s new president on December 21. How does China view this and what are China’s expectations for China-Romania relationship?




A: Klaus Iohannis was sworn in as Romania’s new president yesterday. President Xi Jinping has sent congratulatory message to him.




Romania is one of the earliest countries that have established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Since diplomatic ties were established, China-Romania relations have enjoyed consistent development that is sound and stable, and new progress has been achieved in exchanges and cooperation covering various fields. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of comprehensive partnership of friendly cooperation between China and Romania. China highly values developing relations with Romania, and stands ready to work with the Romanian side to elevate bilateral relations while taking the anniversary as a new starting point.




Q: It is reported that the Angolan police massively arrested and detained Chinese citizens in a credentials check campaign. Please confirm this and give us more details about what China has done.




A: Upon learning the massive arrest and detention of foreigners including Chinese citizens by the Angolan side, the Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Angola have lodged urgent representations with the Angolan side, requiring it to earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Angola and properly handle this case as soon as possible and in accordance with law. Most of the Chinese citizens who have legal residential documents have been released the same day, while a small number of Chinese citizens are still under detention on suspicion of illegal residence. The Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Angola will keep a close eye on this. For those small numbers of Chinese citizens detained on suspicion of illegal stay, we will continue to urge the Angolan side to take concrete measures to guarantee them humanitarian treatment and properly address follow-up issues as soon as possible. The Chinese government is against all illegal activities, and will continue to demand Chinese citizens in Angola to abide by local laws and try to safeguard a cooperative and win-win environment for business and living.




Q: The US side asked China for help because it believes that the DPRK launched hacker attacks through China-based facilities. Can you confirm this? How will China deal with this?




A: I just reiterated the principled position on cyber security held by the Chinese government. We are opposed to all forms of cyber attack and cyber terrorism, including cyberattacks launched by any country or individual by using facilities beyond its own national borders against a third country. We need sufficient evidence before drawing any conclusion. The Chinese side will deal with this in accordance with relevant principles of international law and domestic laws based on facts.




Q: According to Canadian media, China has secretively set up an air defense identification zone in the South China Sea. How does China respond to this?




A: I wonder what this news report is based on. I have no information to offer. I’d like to restate that it is within a country’s sovereignty to decide whether to establish an air defense identification zone or not, meanwhile all sort of factors should be taken into account. Currently, peace and stability in the South China Sea is guaranteed.




Q: According to Japanese media, China is building a military base on the Nanji Island, 300km away from the Diaoyu Islands in order to strengthen surveillance over the air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. What is China’s response to this?




A: I have nothing to provide to you on this.




Q: It is reported by the Global Times that a villa in France previously owned by Bo Xilai will be put up for sale. Has the Chinese and French governments talked about this? Is it the Chinese government’s demand that the villa be put up for sale? Once the villa is sold, will the money come back to the Chinese government?




A: I am not aware of the specifics.




Q: Today a Chinese company starts the construction of the Nicaragua Canal. What does this project mean to China? Will it help China to establish diplomatic relations with Nicaragua?




A: The Chinese company’s engagement in the Nicaragua project is an act of itself, and has nothing to do with the Chinese government. We are consistent of developing friendly and cooperative relations with countries around the world on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the one China principle.




Q: A Paraguayan woman was sentenced to death in China, and the Paraguayan government has been in touch with the Chinese government in order to stop the execution. What is your comment on this?




A: I don’t have the information on that.





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